Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Busily Blogging

Those of you who read Killer Hobbies regularly know that I’ve got two books coming out in about a week.  I’m also under some writing deadlines, but right now a lot of my focus is on letting people know about OODLES OF POODLES, my fourth Pet Rescue Mystery, and UNDERCOVER WOLF, my fourth Alpha Force paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne.

I readily admit to not being completely savvy about all social networking.  I really just participate in two kinds--Facebook and blogging.

And right now, boy, am I blogging!

I love writing weekly for Killer Hobbies.  I’m also participating in a blog tour that the very kind owner of the Cozy Mystery Book Review site put together on my behalf--a week’s worth of posts about my Pet Rescue Mysteries and reviews of OODLES OF POODLES.

I started doing some guest blogs that I set up myself earlier this month, and right now they’re ramping up to several a week.  These include sites where I talk about both of my books and their genres, or just one or the other.  I also blog monthly at the website of one of my local Romance Writers of America chapters and will also soon be blogging monthly on Killer Characters.  In addition, I’ll soon be blogging on writing on Writers in the Storm as well as to describe my upcoming online class on Blending Romance and Suspense at Savvy Authors.
I’ve written an article about the American Humane Association and its “No Animals Were Harmed”® film certification.  I’ll attend the online Valentine Soiree at Writerspace to talk about OODLES OF POODLES.  I’ll participate for a week on the importance of setting at the International Thriller Writers roundtable.

I’m appearing on a panel at a library.  I’m doing at least two book signings--both on the same weekend but in different areas.

But don’t worry.  As always, I’m at my dogs’ bark and call.  Most of what I’m doing involved being at the computer, so when they tell me they need to go out or get a treat, I generally obey, although not always as fast as they’d like.

Being busy is enjoyable, if hectic.  But... say... did I forget anything?  If you have any additional suggestions for blogging or informing people about my two releases, please let me know!


Betty Hechtman said...

Whew, Linda, I'm breathless from reading all your doing. It sounds like you have put together a fabulous round of promotion for your two titles.

Betty Hechtman said...
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Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty. Fun, but time consuming!

Mysteristas said...

Thanks so much for coming to visit our blog during this busy time!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Delighted to have been invited and interviewed!

Chrystle Fiedler said...

Wow! You are an inspiration!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Chrystle. Sometimes I think I'm just nuts!