Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Return From Malice

I'm home!

Malice Domestic was an especially fun one this year.  I schmoozed with a lot of people, including long-time friends and new ones.  I dined with Berkley editors and authors as well as those with my new publisher Midnight Ink.  Oh yes, and I drank with them, too. 

My primary goal this year, in addition to meeting readers and having fun, was to question fellow authors about their promotional techniques. I've done quite a bit, including blogs and blog tours (Yes, I love blogs!) but want to ramp it up even more with my upcoming new series--the Superstition Mysteries. 

I'm considering launching a street team with people who want to learn about my new works earlier in the process, engage in contests and more.  If you're interested in joining one should I form it, be sure to let me know! 

And maybe I'll try a launch party or two.  I'm joining one tomorrow for Liz Lipperman's new book Jailhouse Glock, the better to get the word out about her latest release as other authors including me participate--and also to learn more about how launch parties work! 

On my way home from Malice I stopped for a couple of days to visit family in Chicago, including my two young grandsons--the icing on the cake of a great trip. 

So what do you think about street teams and launch parties and all the extra fun stuff that writers are doing these days?  And here I used to think that writers just wrote!


Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, I'd be interested in hearing about all of it. I'm glad you enjoyed Malice.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I'd be glad to fill you in, Betty. It was definitely enjoyable and somewhat educational!