Saturday, February 18, 2012

Did you breathe today? Of course you did! But did you take a deep breath today? Maybe not. Deep breathing is one of the most effective natural remedies and it’s free! Deep breathing is important because on average we’re only using 60% of our lung capacity. This cuts our optimum oxygen intake by 40% and means we aren’t as relaxed as we could be.

Energy breathing from the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong (I named the dog in Death Drops: A Natural Remedies Mystery after this practice) can change all that. The benefits of energy breathing include increased oxygenation of the blood, tissues, muscles, and organs, enhanced mental focus and stress reduction.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Smile to relax your mind and body.

2.Place the tip of your tongue gently against the roof of your mouth and breathe through your nose in slow, gentle, deep breaths. Imagine you are using your entire body to breathe. Feel the air flowing into every part of your body.

3. As you breathe out, visualize any tiredness or stress, pain or sickness, any doubt or worries changing into smoke. Do this for as long as you like.

4. To end your energy breathing session, take one final, slow, gentle, deep breath. Slowly open your eyes.

Feel better?

You can find many more natural remedies in my new novel, Death Drops: A Natural Remedy Mystery (see what it's about below!) on sale Feb. 21st. You can pre-order if you like on Amazon. Visit for more information. Thanks!

Death Drops: A Natural Remedies Mystery

Dr. Willow McQuade, N.D., a twenty-eight-year-old naturopathic doctor specializing in natural remedies, has decided to take sabbatical and visit her Aunt Claire, the owner of Nature’s Way Market and Cafe in idyllic Greenport, Long Island. But the idea of rest and relaxation is quickly forgotten when Willow arrives from a morning meditative walk to discover her Aunt Claire dead in the store, a strange almond-like smell emanating from her mouth and a bottle of flower essences by her side.

Despite her Zen nature and penchant for yoga, Aunt Claire had a knack for getting into confrontations with folks. An activist, she held weekly meetings for different causes every week in the store. The police want to believe the death is accidental—but Willow thinks she may have been poisoned.

Things get worse when Aunt Claire’s valuable recipe for a new natural age-defying formula, Fresh Face, is stolen during a store break-in, and an attempt is made on Willow’s life. Desperate for a way out of the mess, she turns to a handsome young cop Jackson Spade. Together the two set about solving the case the natural way—through a combination of hard work, common sense, and a dose of luck.

Praise for Death Drops: A Natural Remedies Mystery:

“With a terrific premise and an interesting topic, Fiedler’s debut shows promise.” – Library Journal

Death Drops is a gem! Entertaining, informative, and with a mystery that had me completely baffled! – Gayle Trent, author of Killer Sweet Tooth

“Fiedler’s absorbing mystery is an entertaining debut, featuring a likeable menagerie of characters, filled with natural remedies, with all of it unfolding on Long Island’s idyllic East End.” Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, author of the national bestseller Liberating Paris.

“An engaging investigative thriller…an enjoyable whodunit.” The Mystery Gazette

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