Friday, April 10, 2015


I got an email from one of my readers saying they couldn’t go to my website. About the same time I got an email from my web guy saying there was a problem with the center that housed all of his clients websites. The only information he could get was that AT&T was working on it. He was very upset and said that in the 21 years he’d been doing websites, nothing like this had happened.

And then it got worse. The next time I heard from my web guy, he said that the owners of the data center where the actual machine was that housed the websites had gone out of business without telling anyone. They just shut down and my website along with the 250,000 others housed there disappeared. My web guy had everything backed up – there, the place that just went under.

So, I am without a website for now. My web guy is scrambling to recreate all his clients websites and put them in a new place. There’s no word on how long it will take.

I had never thought about where my website actually was. I thought it was just somewhere off in cyberspace, but it only makes sense that it had to reside somewhere. The whole concept of cyberspace and how my hitting some keys puts me in touch with sites all over the world is a little mind boggling. It’s like we all use the Internet but don’t really have an idea how it works. Or how fragile it is.

Luckily I don’t have a book coming out right now. WOUND UP IN MURDER doesn’t come out until July. I’m sure I’ll have a website up and running by then.

Such a different world with all this stuff. The funny thing is that some day in the future, this will seem like the good old days and all our high tech stuff will seem laughably old fashioned.


Planner said...

Your poor webmaster and his clients! That data center caused him a lot of work and frustration. That's a sad story, and I totally agree that our current amazing high-tech stuff will be old fashioned in the not-too-distant future.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Oh, my, Betty, how awful. I don't understand much techie stuff but I do rely on it, and it's terrible when any piece of it goes wrong. Hope you've got a great new website soon.

Betty Hechtman said...

Planner, I do feel for my webmaster. It isn't his fault, but he is stuck with so much work. I just sent him a thank you note because now at least if you try to go to my website, there is a message it is being worked on.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, it seems like all this high tech stuff is vulnerable. It makes me wonder if things might go backward because all the electronic stuff gets hacked so much.

chkntza said...

The data center should notify its clients when it plans to shut down.

Nadia said...

Oh gosh! Pity

Sac Rc said...

I hope things are alright.