Friday, July 24, 2015

On the Road

The Worry Doll and I are heading down south to San Diego for The Knit and Crochet Show. I would really like to go for the whole four days, but there just is not time now. So, it will just be for Saturday. I’m going to be signing books at the Crochetville Booth on Saturday from 1:30 to 2:00. It will be great to catch up with Amy Shelton. The silver crown she crocheted is a definite show stopper. I hope she is wearing it this time. I’m planning to meet up with Delma Myers as well. She has been my buddy since my first Knit and Crochet Show.

I can’t speak for the Worry Doll, but I love going to yarn shows and The Knit and Crochet Show is my favorite. It is put on by the Knitting Guild of America and the Crochet Guild of America. I have gone to Knit and Crochet Shows in Minneapolis, Greensboro, and Reno. They have always been great. Yarn people are really a wonderful bunch to spend time with. So many people to talk to and so much to learn. Well, and so much to buy. This time I am actually going to be looking for a certain yarn for the project in the next Crochet Mystery. That’s all, really.

I won’t be able to take any classes this time, but they are wonderful. In the past I have learned a lot of things I’ve used in my books and in my knitting and crocheting.

I am coming down to the end of the rewrite of SEAMS LIKE MURDER. I have been intensively involved for the past couple of weeks. The book takes place in March in Southern California and there is rain. I expected to be rewriting from memory since July is the driest month here. When what should happen, but rain. Not just a little sprinkle that barely wets the pavement and then dries up in five minutes. This was hours of rain with thunder and lightening. Enough rain that I had to put out buckets to catch leaks from our soon to be replaced roof.

Life is full of surprises.


Planner said...

So, you're the one who caused the rain!

I hope you and the Worry Doll thoroughly enjoy the Knit and Crochet Show. It sounds like great fun. Keep an eye on Worry Doll, though. She might get carried away with buying presents.

chkntza said...

Have a wonderful time.

Betty Hechtman said...

Planner, I have never been to a bad yarn show. The Worry Doll is sure to enjoy.

Betty Hechtman said...

Thank you, Miriam. I am looking forward to the whole day. My family is coming along and dropping me off while they go to the zoo or somewhere. I love family road trips!

Linda O. Johnston said...

How fun that you got to go to the Knit and Crochet Show, Betty--and that your Worry Doll made sure you had nothing to worry about there!