Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Happy Days

This weekend Ellen and I will be at the Columbia Club in Indianapolis, attending Magna cum Murder.  It’s a great mystery con, and we’ve been to almost every one of them.  I’m to be on two (!) panels, one on the cozy mystery (a silly genre or an important one?) and another on ageing your sleuth when the series continues a while (a good idea, a necessary idea, or a bad idea?).

As I already mentioned, there was an art auction at Gaylaxicon a few weeks ago, and I managed to acquire a lovely yarn pot with three holes in it.  The knitter drops a ball of yarn in the pot, feeding the end out through a hole.  The ball can’t roll away.  Better, one can keep another ball in the same pot and feed its end out another hole and knit two yarns together – or even three yarns.  I am currently working on a black wool scarf with a thin strand of sequined copper running through it.  The pot is making it much easier.

My niece Reggie was here all last week, leaving Sunday for Wisconsin to pick up another aunt and take her to Florida, where Reggie lives.  Reggie loved the crisp air (though she wore two sweaters and a heavy scarf most of the time we were outdoors) and the colored leaves, but she loves the heat and sunshine of Naples, Florida, too much to consider moving up here.  We had a great time but didn’t get even halfway through the list of places I wanted to take her.  Here we are in the church hall of St. George's.


Anonymous said...

VERY interesting yarn pot! Glad you've got a happier event to go to.

Betty Hechtman said...

The panels you're on sound interesting. I hope you have a great time.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Enjoy Magna cum Murder. It sounds like fun!