Thursday, December 28, 2017

Winding Down the Year

The end of the year is always a mix of emotions for me. I'm looking forward to a new start but also a little down about all that I had hoped, dreamed, and planned for the year that wasn't accomplished. The hopes and dreams I move over to the upcoming year (unless they came true then I pick some new ones), but the plans that were never accomplish leave me feeling disappointed in myself. It's why I don't usually do resolutions as I don't want more to "beat myself" over but I like to have some items I want to accomplish in the new year. I like planning, just not as much when I look back and see so much of what I wanted to do never got done. And the only person that stopped the accomplishment was me.

Some of it was beyond my control as some important duties fell on me toward the end of the year that lessened some of the time I had for writing and doing other projects, but I wouldn't trade in the extra time I was able to spend with two very important little ones in my life. And other plans that were to set us on a course for a new adventure--moving--didn't happen and while at first I was sad about the new opportunities I envisioned for me, it actually turned out to be good that the move didn't take place as we were needed here.

So, today I ponder what can the next year bring and what can I do to help accomplish those goals. Toward the middle of the year, I went from using a paper planner to an electronic one on my phone. And what I discovered is that I stayed on track better when I used the paper planner than my phone. There is just something about writing down my tasks and schedule that works better for me. I find I remember them better and it's a great encouragement for me to see what I have accomplished by glancing at my calendar. One of the tasks for today is to find a plan that will work for keeping track of my personal and professional plans (appointments, daycare pickup, and writing projects). The one I previously used didn't give me enough space to jot down everything. (I also like to write notes in my planner if an idea strikes me.)

Happy New Year to everyone! Make plans, dream dreams, and remember to be kind to yourself.

1 comment:

Linda O. Johnston said...

I hope you follow your own instructions and are kind to yourself! Have a wonderful and productive New Year.