Tuesday, May 23, 2017


The slow-motion demolition of The Club Room is underweigh.  (And yes, it's "underweigh," as in anchors aweigh!) The owner is retiring because of illness and everything in the store is half off.  I picked up an adorable hand-painted canvas of a rabbit and am collaborating with my sister in Florida in choosing the colors of floss for it as a gift for her.  There is a sweetly-sad expression on the rabbit’s face an incredibly hard thing to draw in any case, and particularly in this case, where the lines must match the grid of weave so it can be stitched.  And all for half price.

The weather has turned chilly and wet again – maybe those decades-back forecasters warning of a new ice age were right after all?


Annette said...

I love the bunny's expression. He looks so thoughtful.

Annette said...

I love the bunny's expression. He looks so thoughtful.

Monica Ferris said...

I agree. Maybe a little wistful? I just started stitching him last night.

Betty Hechtman said...

I think I'll go with wistful, too. Maybe he's sad the needlework shop is closing.

Ellen said...

It was such a nice shop, and we all will miss it. If any of you love color and texture, visit a needlepoint shop for a few hours. They have the most amazing range!

Monica Ferris said...

That's true, Ellen. Brighter and more beautiful than a heap of gems is a heap of many colors of floss!