Not much
new to report this week, except that I'm hopeful of meeting my June 1 deadline
for Barkery & Biscuits Mystery #4.
I'm finalizing the current edits before sending it on. But I'm not making much progress daily on
it. As I mentioned last week, pain meds
make me sleepy.

And the
June publication of my PROTECTOR WOLF, my next and possibly last Alpha Force
paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne is fast approaching.
Am I
learning anything from my medical experience that I can use in a book
sometime? Heck, everything can be used
as research. I'll just have to determine
who to torture, and why, sometime in the future!
I'm glad your knee is improving. Good look finishing your manuscript!
Thanks, Betty. It always feels good to make some progress!
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