Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Golden Bird

Yesterday, late afternoon, I glanced out the window and was transfixed by a golden bird sitting on a telephone wire.  The lowering sun shone on its feathers brilliantly – a wild canary or goldfinch.  Sometimes it’s the little things that can bring joy.  I needed that boost because my peripheral neuropathy has reached a stage that it interferes with my balance.  I saw a new doctor yesterday and he’s talking about injecting a medicine into my spine to improve circulation to my feet.  I was horrified  - I was expecting an order to get a massage - and came home feeling, for the first time, really old.


Linda O. Johnston said...

That golden bird sounds intriguing! I get to watch hummingbirds, and sometimes intruders, hang out at the feeder over our back porch.

Betty Hechtman said...

I love watching birds. The golden one sounds wonderful. Sorry for your health issues.