We interrupt this blog for a little BSP…
I was honored to be a guest at Dallas Book Diva and the Writer's Chatroom this week.
First, I was interviewed by Cheryl Nason at Dallas Book Diva. (You can hear the interview at http://www.cherylnason.blogspot.com/).
Cheryl is a wonderful interviewer, and she made me feel very comfortable. You can click on a link on the site to purchase the books directly, which is a great service to authors.
My second experience was a two-hour online chat at the Writer’s Chatroom. (Check out the site at http://writerschatroom.com/)
This was my first visit to the Writer’s Chatroom, and it was so great to be hosted as an author! Going in, I wondered if there could possibly be two hours’ worth of questions that would come my way, but before long I was typing my heart out! (There is a “halftime show” to let the author take a finger break).
It was a lively discussion with about 20 or so people, and we touched on everything from writing to dieting to sex (natch, this is chick lit, after all!). I was so happy to “meet” everyone online, and can’t wait to attend again. The staff at the Chatroom does a great job of making the author feel comfortable fielding questions and communicating online with readers. The two hour chat flew by!
I was honored to be a guest at Dallas Book Diva and the Writer's Chatroom this week.
First, I was interviewed by Cheryl Nason at Dallas Book Diva. (You can hear the interview at http://www.cherylnason.blogspot.com/).
Cheryl is a wonderful interviewer, and she made me feel very comfortable. You can click on a link on the site to purchase the books directly, which is a great service to authors.
My second experience was a two-hour online chat at the Writer’s Chatroom. (Check out the site at http://writerschatroom.com/)
This was my first visit to the Writer’s Chatroom, and it was so great to be hosted as an author! Going in, I wondered if there could possibly be two hours’ worth of questions that would come my way, but before long I was typing my heart out! (There is a “halftime show” to let the author take a finger break).
It was a lively discussion with about 20 or so people, and we touched on everything from writing to dieting to sex (natch, this is chick lit, after all!). I was so happy to “meet” everyone online, and can’t wait to attend again. The staff at the Chatroom does a great job of making the author feel comfortable fielding questions and communicating online with readers. The two hour chat flew by!
If you haven't discovered these two sites as a reader or as an author, I recommend you stop by for a visit. It's a great way to discover new books and points of view!
I think interactive online venues [(in additon to blogs, of course! (grin)] are a wonderful new way for authors to "meet" readers, and for readers to discover new writers.
What about you? Are there any interactive author/reader venues that you have discovered, and that have been rewarding?
Good job in the Writer's Chatroom on Sunday, Kathryn. I really enjoyed it as I'm sure the others did, too. It's a great way to meet readers and fellow authors, and not have to get out of your jammies. :-)
I was so happy to see you there, Joe! It was great to see a familiar "face"! I'm going to try to drop in tonight-sounds like a great author guest.James McMullen sounds like a fascinating guest.
I agree that chats are fun ways to meet readers and answer questions--sometimes offbeat ones! I mostly chat at NovelTalk.com which hosts my website. They have other enjoyable topics on their site, too, including spotlights, news... and a pet page!
I'm happy to have two leads. Thanks Kathryn and Linda.
Oops, I meant I'd drop by the Writer's chatroom on *Sunday* night! It's every Sunday night 7 p.m. Eastern Time.
Interesting topic today.
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