Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I’m leaving for Malice Domestic and the Mystery Lovers Festival soon. Unfortunately, Malice conflicts this year with the Los Angeles Time Festival of Books, which I also love. I had to make a choice between them, and for a variety of reasons, including the ability to schmooze with my agent and her new baby, and to see some of the folks at my publisher, I chose Malice. But I’ll miss the L.A. Times Festival!

Another choice facing me: I had to get a new cell phone since my old one wasn’t compatible with the technology for hands-free in my car, and the law goes into effect here soon that you can’t use a regular cell in your car. I’m still learning how to use the new phone--but I lost my former ringtone. It was the same as the one I gave to my mystery protagonist, Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter: “It’s My Life.” She was getting a little tired of it and so was I, but now I’m trying to figure out a new tone for us both, if possible--something other than the standard stuff that comes on the phone, but not some voice singing. The possibilities offered by my carrier haven’t appealed to me yet, so I’m still searching. I don’t want to subscribe to some ringtone company, just buy one tone that’s “polyphonic” which apparently means it’s instrumental rather than the actual song with the original artist singing.

Anyone have any ideas?


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