I'm posting early and muy rapido tonight, because I'm dashing off to catch a red-eye for the east coast--thank you Linda, for letting me barge into your Thursday posting! (And if you haven't seen Linda's post on her 20th book, DOUBLE DOG DARE, keep reading! Twenty books and going stronger than ever! Hooray, Linda!)
Back to reunion thoughts...
It’s been (gulp) thirty years since I set foot on campus. Last time I was there, I was a youngster. Now I’m—well, you do the math. (I always hated math, and a thirty-year milestone is only reinforcing my feelings on the whole subject.)
But I’m excited to be going back—I’ll be staying in my old dormitory, and seeing old friends and familiar faces. The reunion schedule is packed with wonderful lectures and discussion sessions. And to top it all off, they’re going to feature my book as the “class book” for discussion, so I’ll get to return as the “author” of the class, which is kind of a dream come true for me.
But the real reason I’m looking forward to it is the opportunity for reflection. Thirty years is a long, long time. I plan to do a lot of walking around Lake Waban and thinking about how life has changed. How I’ve changed, the good and bad of it. What I’ve learned. What I carry forward from those days. What I've left behind. I'll have more on that next week.
How about you? Have you attended any major milestone reunions from high school or college, and how did they go? What was the primary thing you valued from it, and were there any surprises?
I’d love to hear about it!
I’d love to hear about it!
I thought that picture looked familiar...
But you're going to have to work hard to top our party in the tent on the Quad last year. We old folks kept the music going until midnight, and the younger classes kept stopping by and wondering what the heck we were up to.
One of the things I've enjoyed most about reunions is talking to people I didn't know back then and finding out what interesting lives they've all had.
Have a great time!
I just came back from Boston for my college reunion. We looked at the 30-year crowd and said, "How young!"
The biggest thing for me was that all the cliques were finally blended. NOT being one of the cool kids back then, I found myself cooler and more welcomed this time!
It was worth the wait.
Well, I've already donned my seashell bikini top, Sheil (which I'll wear modestly over a leotard, lol), so we're ready to rock!
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