Thursday, August 21, 2008

Best of, Part 2

Thursday's child, Linda O. Johnston is still out of reach, so I'm filling in.

Many times I'm asked how I can think of something to blog about every week. The answer is that I couldn't do it alone. Not only does sharing a blog spread out the work, but reading my sister bloggers gives me inspiration every time. Last week I pulled out quotes from Kathryn Lilley, Monica Ferris, Joanna Campbell Slan, and Linda O. Johnston. This week I'm sharing gems from the Weekend Wits, Terri Thayer and Betty Hechtman.

TERRI THAYER has a great answer to the question: How long did it take to write your book?

How long did it take? My first book took over five years to write, by the calendar. But that doesn’t take in Mr. Robinson’s senior English class or the business writing in night school or the proposal writing classes at the extension. The writers conferences, the seminars, the how-to books. The words that were cut, the drafts discarded, the characters axed. The other stories (typed, for crying out loud) that were almost sent into Redbook’s story contest.

So when that person in the back row, raises her hand and sweetly asks, “How long did it take you to write Wild Goose Chase?” I’ll be prepared. I know the answer.

My whole life.

BETTY HECHTMAN gave me a lot to think about with her "confession!" (Sunday, July 27, 2008)

It’s official. I have become my mother. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. No, I am developing one of my mother’s best traits. She could strike up a conversation anywhere with anybody. You could have dropped her on Mars and she would have been friends with those Martians in no time.

From me:
Thanks to the ladies of Killerhobbies!

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