Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Random Thoughts

I didn’t play golf yesterday, I had to make a return trip to New Ulm, Minnesota, to do a little more research on the owner of a needlework shop there called Nadel Kunst, Cindy Hillesheim, and interview the owner of a German-style restaurant called the Kaiserhof – plus have lunch there, of course – and talk with someone who works in the Visitors Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce, who told wonderful stories about the charming little city. I don’t know how much of the material gathered today I will use. I always gather more than I’ll need, but I never know in advance which portion I’ll use.

My husband’s fiftieth high school reunion is this weekend, and I’m going along to see what it’s like. I haven’t been to any of my reunions, but I may go to my fiftieth, coming up in a few years. Fewer than I’d like to think, actually.
Buttons and Bones is still trotting along. Not galloping, which I’d like, but trotting is better than walking. I’m starting to envision the end, which seems kind of quiet this time. I had an exciting end to That Die, and there will be another one in Blackwork, so it’s a little disappointing that I don’t envision yet another one for Buttons and Bones. Still, it should be a satisfying one, which is always nice.

I’ve been reading books by the authors I’m sharing a panel with next month at Bouchercon. I sometimes find I’ve gotten into a rut in my reading, so something like this is good for me. I’m enjoying all of them, so far – I’m actually reading three at a time, keeping them by my bed. I just reach out and grab one and read a couple of chapters before I go to sleep. I’m not having any trouble keeping the plotlines separate, which says good things about the authors.

Michaelmas is coming. It’s September 29th and the official name of the holiday is The Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. There is a very old superstition that if you eat goose at Michaelmas, you won’t want for money for a year. We’ve been following that maxim for a great many years and it seems to work; that is, we haven’t had any fiscal emergencies for a very long time. Of course, a great deal of the credit must be shared with my husband, who is very fiscally responsible. Me, I’m on the spendthrift side, though less so as the years have worn me down. Still, we wouldn’t dare stop the goose feast now. Besides, it’s fun, and roast goose is delicious.

1 comment:

Betty Hechtman said...

Your trip back to Ulm sounds nice. It's always better to have too much information. I bet the food at the restaurant was good. Before I became a vegetarian (25 years ago), I used to love ethnic restaurants.