Did you ever think you would have 3300 friends? That's a lot of Christmas cards, and the birthdays to remember ... wow!
I'd love to know what people think of Facebook and other social networking sites, especially readers.
Do you like to play games on the site? I've been resisting all the farm games and Mafia wars my "friends" are trying to drag me into. Similarly, the long quizzes where you answer 25 questions about yourself, but all the answers have to be one word and begin with X.
Or sending virtual roses and candy. I'm sorry, but I'll take my chocolate real hand to real mouth, please.
Does anyone really like and use all the FB features? My feeling is that they're like chain letters (which I always crumpled up and threw away in the days of paper letters.)
But I'm willing to change if anyone out there really cares.
I certainly like the sharing of photos and news about books and events, but much of the peripheral activity is simply not interesting.
If you look at my page, you'll see that I have No Ratings, No Chucks Sent, and No Quiz Rank. Should I be worried? What am I missing?
How about you? How much time do you spend on FB or other sites like it? Do you set a limit? Or do you get carried away?
No to all of the above. I hate all the virtual stuff and ignore facebook now. Please, DO NOT CHANGE. xoxoxoxo
Well, Camille - I share your feelings about all the apps on Facebook. My biggest reason for Facebook is to keep up with friends and family that we don't see often - nieces and nephews, and friends of our kids, and cousins who live so far away.... I think the original idea of Facebook has been lost in the sea of 'stuff'. But 3300 friends? How do you keep them all straight?
Ithought it would be great to get onto Facebook to get back in touch with friends, etc. Found it was too much time spent on practically nothing - the games etc. Give the phone and the number - I think that is the best!!!
I don't use any of those extras either.I see no reason to.
I find Facebook a wonderful tool to keep in touch with friends and family. I've had contact with people from my past, my fans. It keeps me connected my nieces in other states. Even my mother is on Facebook!
I love facebook because it's given me the chance to reconnect with a few long-lost friends from high school. Plus, when I meet someone new at a scrapbook crop, it's an easy way for us to connect. That said, it can gobble up your time like nothing else.
The 3300 was just a literary device, Peg! I read that FB allows "only" 5000 friends per member.
I'm going to brunch today with old friends -- we set it up on FB, so I do use it. It's the peripherals I'm questioning -- Connecting is always a good thing.
I love using fb to keep up with friends and family! I love re-connecting with people I haven't been in touch with in ages. But, like you, I don't really participate in all the "junk". When I get invitations I hit ignore, ignore, ignore...... every once in awhile I will do the question/answer thing but I never chuck, send, pillow fight or do any of the other physical activities.
Funny how most commenters mentioned old friends (yes, I've found at least two) and distant family--but not book promotion. As a shared place to reconnect, great. Otherwise? If you get sucked in, that's time you're not writing.
It's great for getting to know people in the industries about which I write. I am friends with editors of quilting magazines (who review my book). Got a great review through Facebook. Got a shout out at a very crowded quilt show from a very important quilter.
Keeping my name in front of people in the quilting and stamping industry is so much easier on Facebook. Who knows where these things lead?
I think the key is "who knows?" It's a crap shoot! And that's why we try everything. It's just hard to know where to put the time/energy or who's paying attention.
Is there some VIP who could catapult my career now playing Mafia wars or waiting for a rose from me? Wish I knew!
I like to believe, Camille, that the truly talented editors are not going to be swayed by a Mafia job or a rose. That would be sad.
I agree, Terri, but stranger things have happened that have made or changed careers.
I don't know what all the farm things are and mafia wars, and bliz something or other. And I don't want to know.
Terri, it sounds like you've figured out how to work FB to your advantage for your books.
So far I have avoided Facebook. I spend too much time on the Internet as it is.
I don't want Facebook tugging my sleeve in real-time. It'd be a distraction, and I'm susceptible to distractions.
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