Announcing our new line-up--
Mondays will be Joanna Campbell Slan, Tuesdays will be Monica Ferris, Wednesdays will be Linda O. Johnston, Thursdays will be Terri Thayer, and Fridays will be Betty Hechtman. Stay tuned for fun, guests, comments and contests!
Monday's author, Joanna Campbell Slan, is working on the fifth book of the Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Series, tentatively titled Ink, Red, Dead (April 1, 2012). A release date of May 1, 2011, has been set for the fourth book--Make, Take, Murder. Joanna will be appearing at Murder and Mayhem in Muskego on Nov. 13. For details go to http://www.murderandmayheminmuskego.com/ She will also be visiting the Statesboro Public Library in Statesboro, GA, details to be announced, on December 2.
Tuesday's author, Monica Ferris, is home from traveling and is working on Threadbare, a new Betsy Devonshire novel.She will be appearing: Friday, Dec. 3 - Eagan Community Center, give two talks to a big gathering of librarians from Dakota County. (Contact: Mary Costello, Wentworth Library); Sat., Dec. 4, 11:30 - Luncheon then talk (and selling books), Embroiderers Guild of America chapter, at The Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 910 County Road D, Roseville, MN
Wednesday's author, Linda O. Johnston, is busy being ordered around by her dogs. She is working on her second Lauren Vancouver, Pet Rescue mystery, as well as her next Harlequin Nocturne.
Thursday's author, Terri Thayer, is celebrating the release this week of False Impressions, the latest in her Stamping Sisters series.
Friday's author, Betty Hechtman, is editing You Better Knot Die. Check her out at BettyHechtman.com.
Visit us every Sunday--
For news and updates. Be sure to check out our websites for more information about our books. You can go to http://www.blogger.com/www.booktour.com for scheduling information on many of your favorite authors!
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