Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Winnah!

Without telling her why, I asked my web mistress to pick a number between one and twenty. She picked seven. I went back to the comments I’d received on the contest to win a book and found Becki’s name in position number seven. So congratulations to Rebecca! She needs to choose the book she wants: Crewel World, or Buttons and Bones, or The Novice’s Tale, or Murder at the War. And send her mailing address to MaryPulver@aol.com.

I did a stupid, absent-minded thing this past Saturday. I put my wallet down at the grocery store while bagging a few things and walked off without it. When I realized this, I hustled back, but it was already gone. I didn’t lose much money but all the numerous identification and membership cards will need to be replaced. Fortunately my credit card was not in it, but the thief can now shop at Sam’s Club. I spent most of yesterday making phone calls – these people who put you on hold for fifteen minutes while playing insipid music at you are very annoying! – and going in person to request a new driver’s license. Now I hold my breath to see if something awful happens or if I caught things in time.

I’m working on the notated manuscript of Threadbare presently. That means I finished writing it, but now my editor and a copy editor both have gone through it and made small changes or questioned some things. There’s a little twist in there that’s a clue I don’t seem to have presented properly, or else I got my own self tangled in it somehow. I have to sit with it today and get that straightened out. Otherwise, it’s in good shape. The book should appear for public consumption in December.

It’s pouring rain here this morning, but I’m really grateful that’s all that’s happening in our neck of the woods weather-wise. It’s tough times south of here.

I was going to post a picture of me in my new Easter Bonnet, but a second look showed the picture turned out so unflattering that I changed my mind.


Anonymous said...

What nice news to wake up to! I would like Buttons and Bones.
And it gives me something fun to think about while I wait for tech services to call back about a program glitch and wish I were packing for Malice Domestic.
Becky Preston

Julie said...

Oh, Monica, that's SO aggravating! My fave is, "Your call is very important to us." Not that important, or they'd answer the phone! Your post has prompted me to take everything out of my wallet and photocopy it again, front and back. The copy I have filed isn't up to date. That's a good idea for everyone, btw. You know exactly what's lost.

Linda O. Johnston said...

As unpleasant as it is, at least you're initiating those calls, Monica. We've been getting calls for our younger son, who followed instructions for stopping membership at a fitness club, but they keep calling us to get his updated credit card information. Too bad they don't open their mail--which is the way they require that membership be stopped.

Monica Ferris said...

The winner is Rebecca Christensen, not Becky Preston, I'm so sorry for not making that clear in my blog entry.

Betty Hechtman said...

Sorry about the loss of your wallet. All those phone calls must have been annoying.

Good luck with your manuscript.