Tell us all about your new book, Liz...

First of all, thanks to Linda and all the lovely ladies at Killer Hobbies for allowing me to hang out with them today. Before I get started I want to mention that I have one copy of LIVER LET DIE to give away, thanks to Berkley. To enter, leave a comment with a valid email address. This is open to US only (publisher’s request.) Linda will pick the winner. Since this is a blog about killers and hobbies, I thought I'd talk about both, but in order to do that, I have to give you a little blurb about LIVER LET DIE, the first book of my Clueless Cook Mystery series which debuted October 4. Here it is.

Jordan McAllister, a wannabe sports reporter who follows her boyfriend to Dallas, gets dumped, and ends up in a small Texas town where she lands a job writing personals. When she’s offered an opportunity to fill in for the culinary reporter who's rehabbing a broken hip, she jumps on it, thinking it’s one step closer to writing that sports column she wants so badly. The problem is she was raised in West Texas, the only girl with three brothers who needed her outside every day to even up the sides for football games, and although she can throw a razor-sharp touchdown pass from 50 yards, she can’t cook her way out of a box of macaroni and cheese
Her first assignment is reviewing the new steakhouse in town where she inadvertently orders foie gras (fatty duck liver) that ends up untouched and shoved into a borrowed purse. Back home she discovers that she has ruined her friends beautiful handbag, but that's nothing compared to finding her waiter from the steakhouse murdered outside her door along with her name and number in his pockets. Now she’s the prime suspect as well as the main course on the murder menu.
I love writing killers—find it fascinating to be in their heads. I particularly love the kind that you least suspect—you know, the one who tips the pregnant waitress an extra twenty bucks or gives his seat to an elderly woman on the subway train. Just when I start to like him, he goes and kills someone. I love being surprised and hate it when I guess who he is too close to the end.
As for hobbies, in a lot of ways I am like Jordan, my protagonist in LIVER LET DIE. She hates all red meat and seafood. Check. She loves all sports. Check. She loves fried bologna sandwiches and Hostess Ho Hos. Check. She can't cook a lick.—Um, not exactly. I was number eight of nine children and grew up eating casseroles. My mother was an awesome cook and the funny thing is, I am the only one of four sisters who cooks and actually enjoys it.
So what does that have to do with the hobby? I love going to restaurants and trying different things. If I like what I'm eating, I take a little in a doggie bag and play around with it until I come up with something just as good or better. The good part is, I go for the shortcuts—cake mixes, bottled spaghetti sauce, packaged mixes, etc. After I doctor them up, they taste really good.
One of the recipes I’ve played with is my Mom’s beef stew. She’d spend hours cooking it and add lots of spices. She passed away before I was old enough to care about cooking, so when I craved it one day, I decided to try to capture that same tasty dish. I started off with a package of beef stew seasoning mix and went from there. My sisters think my beef stew is as good or better than our Mom’s And I can promise it is a whole lot easier to make. Here it is. Make it on a cold winter day and enjoy.
1 ½ lbs. Beef stew meat with all the fat removed and cut into small pieces
Flour mixed with 2 Tbsp. Lawry’s Seasoned Salt
1 can Tomato paste
¼ cup ketchup
Salt and pepper to taste
2 pkg. Lawry’s or McCormicks beef stew mix
6 cups water
5-6 potatoes cut into bite size pieces
1 bag baby carrots
Dredge beef stew meat in seasoned flour. (Easiest way to do this is to put about ½ cup flour with the Lawry’s into a brown paper sack. Put the meat into the bag, several pieces at a time and shake.) Brown on both sides in hot oil in a Dutch oven. Add water, tomato paste, ketchup, 2 pkg. Beef stew mix and salt and pepper. You can add more ketchup if necessary. (My Mom used to save all her empty ketchup bottles and add water to really clean them out?) Bring to boil. Reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 1 hour. Add vegetables and again bring it to a boil. Cover and simmer this until vegetables are tender. (approximately 30-45 minutes.)
And one more thing. I am having a fantastic contest to celebrate the release of LIVER LET DIE, and the first place winner will receive a Pandigital Kitchen Technology Center with an HD TV, a digital recipe file, a digital photo album and internet access. Go to my website-- –for details.
OK, I gotta have this book just based on the fact that it's set in Texas. I mean, seriously, anything that says Longhorn on the cover. LOL
The stew receipe sounds delicious. I'll have to try it. Toss my name in the hat:
janezfan (at) yahoo (dot) com
Good luck with the new series, Liz!
Nice reviews all over the place. Best wishes for success.
That recipe sounds delicious, Liz--and easy enough even for me to do! Thanks again for joining us. And you know I like LIVER LET DIE. Delighted to have given it a cover quote!
Welcome,Liz. Congrats on the new series!
Hey, Kay, thanks for those kind words. I love Texas, too. Consider your name in that hat!!
Thanks, Liz. I really have been lucky with the reviews. That was the one thing that kept me up at night the week before release.
Thanks for the good wishes.
And thanks again for that great cover quote, Linda. Did you know Faith is using a part of it again as a blurb about the series on the cover of BEEF STOLEN-OFF? So, there's another thanks.
Thanks, Terri. I can finally breathe again.
This looks like an interesting book! Looking forward to the first of hopefully many in the series!
I just started reading the book today -- very enjoyable.
Thanks, Lynn. I love hearing that.
Jan G, that's even better music to my ears. Thanks so much for telling me this. If you win the drawing for the copy of LLD, I'll send you a free download of my Amazon mystery coming out this week, MORTAL DECEPTION, written under a pseudonym, Liz Roth.
If it's not too late to throw my name in the drawing:
I saw it at B&N when I was buying The More the Terrier. It caught my attention since I'm a clueless cook too!
a belated welcome, Liz.
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