Saturday, May 12, 2012

Natural Remedy of the Week: Tea Tree Oil

I'm busy rewriting the second book in the natural remedies series which is called Scent to Kill to make a June 1st deadline! but I thought I'd stop by and share this tip from Dr. Willow McQuade who is my amateur sleuth. Tea tree oil is an amazing natural remedy and definately needs to be in your natural medicine cabinet. But I'll let Dr. McQuade tell you why:  

Dr. Willow McQuade’s Healthy Living Tips

Tea Tree Oil is a must-have for your natural remedy aromatherapy tool kit. It contains terpenes and other phytochemicals which are effective antiseptics and anti-fungals and are absorbed into the skin. You can use it diluted, (pure tea tree oil can be irritating to the skin) just mix with an equal amount of water and use it to clean wounds, stings and burns. In addition, it’s effective at treating fungal infections in the toe and finger nails. It’s also an important component in ointments, creams and salves when it comes to treating athlete’s foot, acne, ringworm, jock itch, and shingles.  For sinus and respiratory problems, like sinus infections, cold and flu just inhale tea tree oil as steam.  If you have dandruff look for a shampoo that has tea tree oil in it or put a few drops in your favorite shampoo. 

Yours Naturally,

Dr. McQuade

You'll find more natural remedies in my new book Death Drops: A Natural Remedies Mystery. Visit


Betty Hechtman said...

I have some tea tree oil, but didn't know it had all those uses. Thanks.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I've heard good things about tea tree oil but didn't know what it could do. Glad you let us know, Chrystle!