Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Very Kiki Contest

Lately, I've been swamped re-writing and editing the second book in The Jane Eyre Chronicles, Death of a Dowager. Meanwhile, Kiki keeps calling to me, like an invisible friend who is feeling sorely neglected.

So I decided to do something fun...a CONTEST!

The rules:

1.  Tell me what you love about Kiki in an email. (Send it to
2. Put KIKI in the subject line.
3. The deadline is Oct. 15
4. I'll select a winner at random out of all your comments. That person will appear as a character in the next Kiki book or short story.

All comments will appear on my website, but I'll just use your first name and last initial for privacy's sake.

Okay--let the games begin!

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