Sunday, October 14, 2012

Marvelous Monday Contest: One of a Kind Driftwood

Driftwood piece measures about 30" long and 7" wide. To see a larger image, click on the photo.

While walking on the beach, I often find intriguing pieces of wood that have been washed, weathered, and worried by the salt and sand. Dragging them back to the house can be a challenge, especially when they're as heavy as the piece in the picture above. But...I loved the round holes, the color and the texture. Unfortunately, there were stray screws that stuck out the backside. That meant I REALLY had to drag it home, because I have this rule: If the wood is dangerous to a person walking barefoot, I won't leave it on the sand for someone to step on.

I showed my sister, Jane, the piece. She fell in love with it, so I gave it to her. A friend of hers cut off the screws that stuck out on the backside. I don't know where she found the verdigris mermaid hanger with the porpoise hooks, but I think they're the perfect embellishment. Best of all, when she finished, she gave the piece back to me! Now it's destined to hang on my bedroom wall.

You see, when you make things, you wind up with fantastic belongings that are unique--like this one.

Maybe it's because I'm a writer, but I'm also drawn to anything with a story behind it. I'll always remember picking up that piece, seeing the screws sticking out, carrying it home (it was heavy!), showing it to Jane, giving it away, and getting it back!


Tell me about something you made that's unique, and I'll send you a piece of decorated driftwood.


The random number generator chose "Petite." If you are the person who commented using the avatar "Petite," you can claim your prize, a copy of Sweet Revenge, a Lady Arianna Regency Mystery by Andrea Penrose, by sending me an email at with your postal address. Please put Marvelous Monday in the Subject Line.
"Petite" has a week to claim her prize.


Linda O. Johnston said...

What a fun pastime, Joanna--collecting art that the sea and Mother Nature have collaborated to create!

traveler said...

When my friend celebrated her 60th birthday this occasion warranted something special so I created a bracelet with beads that would be uplifting, dramatic and striking. As well as the beads were block letters with a quote that was meaningful.

Joanna Campbell Slan said...

Traveler, you must be psychic. My young pen pal sent me a beaded bracelet today, made from Job's Tears that she grew in her garden. It's a treasure!'s_Tears

Joanna Campbell Slan said...

Linda, this weekend I hope to paint a lot of driftwood pieces with starfish and seahorses. Stay tuned!

Carmen VB (ScrappinBee) said...

Many, many years ago, I wanted to make my mother something special for Christmas. I decided to make her a crocheted seed pearl necklace. It took me forever to make it. I had to string the tiny seed pearls on crochet thread before I could begin crocheting. My mother loved it. Not long ago I happened to ask her about it and she said I still have it. She said it was the most special gift she ever got.

Joanna Campbell Slan said...

Scrapping B, I'd love to see that. I bet it's beautiful!