Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weather Change

It’s finally fall in Southern California , as it is over most of the rest of the country.
A couple of weekends ago, I sweltered outside all day at the West Hollywood Book Fair--a fun event but the heat exhausted me.
This past weekend, my dogs and I took several fun walks outside in cooler weather.  Now, cool weather in L.A. isn’t necessarily as chilly as it is in other parts of the country, but it’s still a lot more comfortable than the heat. 
It feels good sitting at my computer without needing the air conditioning on while I write in the middle of the afternoon.  I think I get more done that way, too.  I’m plotting my next mystery and will soon do a final edit on my Harlequin Nocturne that’s due in a few weeks.
Of course the weather forecasts don’t say that there won’t be further hot weather this season, but I’ll enjoy all I can for now, at least.
When I lived in the east, my favorite time of the year used to be fall, and in some ways it still is even though I don’t usually get to see the leaves change in a gorgeous autumn way.
What’s your favorite time of year? 


Betty Hechtman said...

Fall has always been my favorite. Even though in places with four seasons it is really a season of dying - green leaves turn brown and fall off, flower finish their bloom and die - to me it has always felt like a beginning. After the languid days of summer, it feels like life starts up again.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Love it, Betty!

Monica Ferris said...

Betty, you're right. I like to say that autumn is when spring's promise is kept. I always feel more cheerful and energetic in the fall.

Monica Ferris said...

Betty, you're right. I like to say that autumn is when spring's promise is kept. I always feel more cheerful and energetic in the fall.