Wednesday, December 12, 2012

eHarlequin Holiday Party

This Friday, December 14, I’ll be at the eHarlequin Holiday Party.  I intend to participate in chats with Harlequin Nocturne writers and readers.   And one thing I’m definitely doing is joining in the Harlequin Romantic Suspense group to provide a joint romantic suspense story, complete with clues and prizes!

 I’ll be there at 12:30 PM Eastern time, 9:30 AM L.A. time, at’s Community Open House.  Other HRS authors will also be posting parts of the story as well as clues. 

 I hope I understand the system well enough to do this right, but here’s my clue:

HRS Holiday Party Clue #4:  Jessica grinned through the pelting rain that dampened her face, pasting her long black hair to her forehead and cheeks.  She loved to run, and this was the Marine Corps Marathon.  She’d stripped down to basic running gear and reveled in the sloshing of water along her bare legs as she dashed forward, her breathing heavy but steady.  And even better?  She wasn’t alone in the crowd.  Her handsome Marine, Nicholas, ran at her side.  All was wonderful... for now.  She could only hope it would stay that way.

Clue: The determined heroine, Jessica.

You can enter the contest to win a copy of my HRS UNDERCOVER SOLDIER by commenting on this Killer Hobbies post on Friday.  But you’ll need to visit the Harlequin party to get the rest of the clues, and only people with all the right answers will be eligible to win!


Linda O. Johnston said...

I think I was incorrect about where to enter the contest. I think you need to respond at the eHarlequin site with all the clues. Good luck!

Misty Shaw said...

Thanks for the clue, happy christmas :) its like a treasure hunt and finding new authors and books to read aswell bonus

Anonymous said...

You do, but I comment here too. The plot thickens

Kaelee said...

Thanks for the clue

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Taylor and Tammy. Good luck on the contest!

Linda O. Johnston said...

You're welcome, Kaelee!

Misty Shaw said...

Thank you Linda xx