Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Birth of Babies

Every writer writes differently.  Plus, the process can change. 

My way of writing these days involves getting a first draft done, then editing it for as long as it takes to get it right.  Sometimes I reread portions of what I’m working on and edit as I go along, but my goal is still to finish that first draft before really fixing the whole thing.

I’m mentioning this because I finished one of those first drafts yesterday.  It’s for an upcoming Harlequin Nocturne, part of my Alpha Force miniseries about a covert military unit of shapeshifters.  I still have lots of work to do on it, but I’ve made good progress, and at least it’s all there on the computer and ready to be fixed.

So why did I call this post Birth of Babies?  Well, writing a first draft is a birth of a story, of sorts.

But a lot more important was a real baby birth in my life--my second grandson!  My son and d-i-l who live in Chicago just had baby number two, another boy, this one named Bennett--who’s only thirteen months younger than his big brother Elliott.  He arrived a little early, and I won’t get to visit him for a few weeks, but I’m really delighted about his arrival.

It’s so fun and amazing these days how fast information can be sent.  When my kids were born, we called family to let them know, but pictures had to wait to be taken, developed and mailed.  Now, all I have to do is grab my phone or computer to take a look at my grandsons.  Yes, I even have a smartphone now, although I’m still figuring out its many uses.

How about you--Any big news in your family?  Have you finished any drafts or other projects lately?  And how are you dealing with technology? 


Betty Hechtman said...

Congratulations on Bennett! It is so amazing with smartphones and photos.

Also congratulations on finishing the first draft. That's the hard part. I think it is so great that you write in different genres.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty! I'm awaiting my first Skype session with Bennett. We've had some great ones with his big brother Elliott. And I do enjoy writing in different genres!