Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Chats and Writing

Since my website is now hosted by Writerspace, I'm having fun taking advantage of other things they do for writers and readers.  That includes online chats. 

Have you ever participated in one?  They can get wild and crazy, especially if there are a lot of participants and several different conversation threads happening at once. 

That's the way things were last Sunday, at the Writerspace Beach Party chat.  I was scheduled to be there for about half an hour, and I saw all the participants' names listed along one side of the page, both authors and others as well as the moderators.  It was enjoyable but hectic--especially when something happened on my computer and my comments stopped showing up on the screen.  I wound up having to get out of the chatroom and redo my participation, but I was able to return long enough to check things out and say goodbye. 

Then, last night, there was another chat for authors who have books out this month--as I do.  CANADIAN WOLF, my seventh Alpha Force paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne, is a September release.  Yes, my covert military unit of shapeshifters is back!  I'm letting the world know, and chatting about it was a fun way to do it.  This chat had fewer people but it still kept going fast.  I guess that's what chats do!

Next month, my second Superstition Mystery, KNOCK ON WOOD, will be released.  Will I chat about it?  Most likely. 

In the meantime, I'm finishing the manuscript for the third Superstition Mystery, tentatively called RABBIT'S FOOT REVENGE.    

By the way, I'm considered one of their new authors on the Writerspace home page, plus they've got information about me and my newest release and links to my website.  Seems like a fun place to be!


Betty Hechtman said...

It sounds like Writer's Space comes with benefits. I'll have to check it out.

Linda O. Johnston said...

So far I'm very pleased with them!