Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Happy New Year!

It was a lovely, lively Christmas.  I remembered to thaw the pork loin and made the mix of onion, apple, bacon and pork in the slow cooker and it was delicious.  Everyone came and liked my brunch and liked my supper.  The exchange of gifts was fun.  We watched the best movie version of “A Christmas Carol,” the one starring Alistair Sim, and then the delightful “Paddington.”  We ate three kinds of pie, cherry, pumpkin and pecan and, sated, the guests went home.

I meant to do a little work on my novel on Monday, but the day somehow slipped away.  I had an appointment for an eye checkup which included having my pupils dilated.  I didn’t realize until I was out on the highway going there that there was a terrific windstorm happening; my little Ford Focus had trouble staying in its lane.  It was trying to snow but not enough fell to make a difference, thank goodness.  The wind continued well into the evening, but it’s quiet this morning.  My eyes are fine.

This Saturday is out annual penny-ante poker game.  It’s been going on almost as long as we’ve been married, thirty-seven years.  One year we were talked into going to a party instead, but we ran into four friends who usually play poker with us, and one of them had found a deck of cards, and next thing we knew, we were in an upstairs bedroom playing poker on a bed.  In the words of a filk song, “Love it is strong, but a habit is stronger …”

In the words of a Spanish toast: Health, wealth, love, and time to enjoy them.  Have a great 2017!


Linda O. Johnston said...

Glad you had a good Christmas, that you made it to your appointment safely despite the wind and that your eyes are fine.
Have fun at your poker game--and a Happy 2017 to you!

Monica Ferris said...

Linda, that's the most comprehensive reply to any post I've ever put up. An especially happy new year to you for it!

Betty Hechtman said...

Your holiday events sound very nice. It must have been scary when your car was buffeted by the wind. I'm glad your eyes are fine. Happy New Year to you.

Gail Smith said...

Dear Monica, thank you so much for all the learning, the traveling, the ideas that you put together in your books - all of them. For all the days, nights, weeks that nothing came together for you, well you just kept slogging along. Then, WHAM! the thoughts start flowing & it becomes what you were aiming for - another story.
Have a happy New Year in health, wealth, & wisdom.
Gail Smith