Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Upcoming Books, New Covers

Can you believe that it's February 1, and that a full month of 2017 has passed?

I've got two books coming up soon: Bad to the Bone, my third Barkery & Biscuits Mystery for Midnight Ink, a May release, and Protector Wolf, my eighth Alpha Force paranormal romance for Harlequin Nocturne, to be published in June.  I've posted the covers here.  Just got the one for Protector Wolf .  It's different, and I like it!

More deadlines approaching, of course, plus I'm plotting a new idea.  It's always fun to get one of those even if the story doesn't get published... although I of course hope it will. 

But my time is limited these days.  Having a new puppy around, Cari, is definitely time consuming.  Plus, I'm attempting to give extra attention to Mystie, our older dog, who's still a bit bewildered about this new bundle of energy who keeps wanting her to play.

So... well, I've another blog post to write now, this one for Writerspace.  It'll be posted on Groundhog Day, February 2, so that's kind of its theme.  Come visit me there, too!

Happy February, everyone.  And let me know what's keeping you busy this month.


GBPool said...

Bad to the Bone is such a terrific title for your doggie mystery series. And those guys at Alpha are a caution themselves. Best of luck with both releases.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks! I'm looking forward to both of them.

servedogmom said...

I love your Barkery & Biscuits Mystery series. Excited to anticipate a new release. I'll have to check your other series out as it is new to me.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thank you! My Alpha Force series is about a covert military unit of shapeshifters--so of course it has canines in it, too.