Friday, September 28, 2018

Need Some Time

I had my day planned out today.  I was going to finish doing the last proof read of INHERIT THE WOOL.  The e-book is already up for pre order.  I wanted to try to picture how I want to update my website because I have INHERIT THE WOOL coming out October 9, the paperback of ON THE HOOK comes out in November and the hardcover of HOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING comes out in December.

And I'm itching to get back to working on my new project. 

I got up extra early and working on the proof read before I went to my knit and crochet group.  I did a few things when I got home and was just about to go back to the proof read when my son came over and asked if I wanted to go to the Costco Business Center with him.  I said yes, thinking it would be a couple of hours at most. 

Here it is eight hours later and I just got home.  It seems like whenever I go with my son it turns into a serendipity day.  In the last week, those serendipity days ended up at Disneyland twice making it five times I've been there in the past month.   We're certainly getting the use out of our annual passes and I'm grateful for the chance to get in some walking after sitting at my computer so much.

But now I just want some time to concentrate on my work with no interruptions.

Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Linda O. Johnston said...

It's interesting how the best-laid plans do seem to change. I hope you were able to start concentrating on your work since then, Betty!