I always think I can transition from one project I'm working on to another. It goes okay for a little while and then I end up focusing on the one with the closest deadline. So, it became the proof pages of MAKING IT WRITE. As soon as I finished reading through them and making a list of corrections to send to my publisher, I was back to thinking about the PR stuff. And then all on it's own, I got an offer to do a book club event at the historical society in my Chicago neighborhood. Thanks to the PR workshop, I started thinking how I could get something in the neighborhood newspaper and maybe a Chicago paper.
I started working on setting up things for a newsletter. Before I'd never gotten past trying to figure out how to get the addresses I had into the newsletter program. I think it had to do with my attitude. I just got flummoxed and gave up. This time I felt like the little engine that could and said to myself "I think I can."
And I did manage to figure out how to deal with getting the addresses into the newsletter program. I couldn't keep going on it because another deadline loomed in my mind for the next Writer for Hire book. I set aside thoughts about the newsletter as I put all my thoughts on getting together a loose synopsis for SENTENCED TO DEATH. It is really me and a lot of coffee and a yellow legal pad. I started making notes on who the characters were, hoping I'd be able to read my handwriting when I start typing.
I got far enough that I'm ready for round two with the newsletter. This time I'll deal with layout. Writing the actual copy will probably seem easy after all the set up. It's all part of the love/hate thing with computers and the Internet. So much you can do once you figure out how it all works.
I feel for my blog-sister Linda and her issues with Word. But when I think back to typing (I wasn't very good and made lots of mistakes), whatever shortcomings computers and their programs have seem worth it.
I would like to know about the newsletter when you get it started. It is hard to imagine when you will have time, with 3 series going !!
What will we see next ? It's got to be time to knit or crochet...
Linda, I do have a bit much on my plate. MAKING IT WRITE comes out in August. The next Casey book, so far untitled, will come out in November. The next Molly book won't come out until a year from July, but I already wrote the the first page.,
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