Wednesday, April 6, 2022



            Last week when my post appeared, I’d planned it in advance since I was traveling then.

            I was on a family trip to Cancun! 

            Did I accomplish much writing? Not really, although I always look around for inspirations. 

            We stayed at the same wonderful all-inclusive resort we’d visited three years ago. It was still fun, with delightful staff, too much food, and a wonderful environment including the vast, beautiful blue waters beyond the beach. There was a lot of wind this year, and so I had to buy a hat to keep my hair out of my face. A Cancun hat.

             Sure, I brought a small computer along but didn’t use it much. Now that I’m home, I’ve a lot of catching up to do. 

            But oh, it was worth it! Fun with wonderful family. 

            Concern about the few enclosed dolphins that visitors could help to work with and feed. I suppose they were treated okay considering the fact that they couldn’t go anywhere else, but I’d hoped that, between the last visit and this one, they’d have been released into the ocean. 🙍

            We also visited a local zoo where rescued wildlife was brought. That felt a bit better. 

            In all, it was a fun trip. Hope to head there again someday. 

And guess what! For some reason, the three blogs I write for most are posting my stuff on the same day--today. Guess what my subject is for all of them!  I’m addressing my travels somewhat differently, but they’re definitely on my mind. Along with my writing.



Sally Morrison said...

How wonderful to be able to vacation again. Glad you had a good time!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Sally. Yes, it felt really good, especially since we were with family!

Betty Hechtman said...

I hear it's beautiful there. It's always nice to go with family.