Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Upcoming Conferences

             I’ve mentioned previously that I’ll be going to Bouchercon next month, an annual mystery writers’ conference and my first conference in several years. It’ll be in Minneapolis this year, and I’ll be on a panel called Odd Jobs: Writers Write What They Know. When choosing me for that, they might have thought I’d talk a lot about using my prior legal career in my writing, but I have some other, more current ideas about what to discuss, like my job as a dog mom! That helps me include dogs in nearly all of my books, though not my own pups… though I’m working on ideas for that.

             I also learned this week that the California Crime Writers Conference will be held near me, in Culver City, in June 2023, and the Romance Writers of America conference will also be local, in Anaheim, in July. My intent is to go to both of them.

             I believe I’ll be traveling more this year including a visit to New York City, which should help in my research for my Harlequin Romantic Suspense story that’s part of next year’s Coltons of NYC. That’s the story I’m currently writing and it’s moving right along.


Betty Hechtman said...

I haven't been to any conferences for a long time either. I've heard lots of people are looking forward to Bouchercon. Have a great time!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks! I'm definitely looking forward to it.