Friday, May 19, 2023


 My mother was Swedish and the coffee was the beverage of choice.  I started drinking it when I was a teen and have been a coffee lover ever since.  Now I connect with writing.  I write while I have my morning coffee-- sometimes it's writing in a journal where I dump all my feelings and complaints.  Better to say on paper than bore somebody.  Paper never blinks an eye at all the repetition.  Sometimes it with a yellow legal pad and write long hand for a book.

I drink different coffee at different times of the day.  Morning I have coffee that has lion mane and chaga mushrooms in it.  It is supposed to be good for your brain, memory, etc.  I make that by the cup with one of those little pour over things.

Then when the four o'clock slump hits, I make a pot of whatever other coffee I happen to have. Sometimes, I make more coffee in the evening.  It does not keep me awake when its time to sleep.  Maybe all the coffee I've drunk over the years has made me immune to caffeine.

I'm always interested in different coffee pots.  I have tried several that use those cups, though I mostly, filled a reusable one with my current coffee.  The Keurig lasted a couple of years and then stopped working.  I got some other imitation one that used the same cups and could be a drip coffee maker.  It was hit or miss with the cups.  It ended up in the giveaway box.

I have resisted getting any more of the single cup makers, despite all the sales that Keurig has and the other brands.

Until recently.  I started getting ads for Nespresso machines on Facebook. Over and over.  I'd seem the George Clooney ads.  The coffee looked good on TV.  There was one that was on sale.  But nowadays nobody seems to buy anything without doing research. It became very confusing with the Nespresso machines.  There were all these features to consider and the kind of capsules to used to make the coffee.

I was this close to buying the one Costco had until I discovered that the capsules Costco sold would not work in the machine they sold.  There was a different line of Nespressos that worked with the capsules that Costco sold, but Costo didn't have that machine.

It was getting so confusing that I thought of the keurig machines, but when I read the reviews, it seemed universal that Keurig machines only lasted a short time, but for some strange reason people kept buying another one.

I had become so caught up in the whole idea of the single cup makers that it felt like I was compelled to buy one.

And then I stopped to think how ridiculous it was to have it so complicated to use a machine to make a single cup of coffee.  My little pour over thing basically works the same.  All it takes is a paper filter, some coffee grounds and hot water.  There's nothing to break, no capsules to worry about fitting and I already have it.

It's crazy how we get caught up in thinking we need something we really don't.


Miss Merry said...

I had a Keurig and then a mini Bella single cup machine. I drink way to much coffee to make it one cup at a time, LOL. When my husband retired, he started making the coffee one pot at a time. That is why we are still married even though he is kicking around here 24 hours a day.

Patty said...

Good morning -- Hope all is well with you -- fine here in Phoenix. It rained yesterday, which was needed, and there's a 50% chance again today. The cactus are starting to bloom -- so pretty.

I've never been a big coffee drinker and gave it up several years ago. The trouble I've always found with automatic coffee makers is that the carafe usually dripped all over the place when pouring a cup. Years ago, I had an electric percolator -- had a long spout which worked perfectly -- wish it was still around. If I do drink an occasional cup, I like French vanilla creamer in it -- yum.

All the reviews for everything are usually so confusing, and contradictory. A five star review will be followed by someone saying that same product is totally horrible. I guess it's just a matter of personal taste. I've never been one to buy a lot of things -- except yarn and plants. My grandmother lived by the adage "Use it up, wear it out -- make it do or do without."

I thought I'd read all the Molly mysteries but discovered I hadn't read "Behind the Seams" so ordered it yesterday. After seeing a movie on Hallmark about a cookie shop owner in Minnesota who also solves murders, based on a book, I ordered one of them. Love making cookies -- when my husband and I were at the university in Texas, I baked dozens each week to feed the always-hungry kids. Those were fun times.

I plan lots of crocheting today -- Project Linus drop-off is a week from tomorrow and I'll have a dozen blankets ready to go. The drop-off location is way across town so I go every other month.

Enjoy your day --

Betty Hechtman said...

Miss Merry,I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one drinking lots of coffee!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty. the cactus flowers sound pretty. I do remember electric percolaters. I remember buying one for my mother to replace the stove version.

I take reviews with a grain of salt, but what surprised me with the Keurig ones was that almost all talked about them breaking.

I know the series you're talking about. The author is Joanne Fluke. I like her books. She's also a lovely person. I used to bake a lot of cookies to give away.

A dozen blankets, wow!

Linda O. Johnston said...

I love coffee too, though I'm not a connoisseur, Betty. I brew coffee nearly every day at home in my coffee maker, using not the most expensive ground brands from the grocery store--and I also have a subscription to coffee at Panera. I especially like their hazelnut..