Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Last Day of May

           Happy Last Day of May, everyone. And yes, it’s still May Gray here in L.A.

It has been a busy week for me. My husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary on the 21st and his birthday was yesterday. They’re both growing numbers, which is a good thing, but I prefer not to share them right now. They’ll hopefully continue to grow for a long time!

Meanwhile, I’m continuing to write as usual, although I seem to be going a little more slowly. But time, and the story I’m working on, both march on.

Our pup Roxie doesn’t march, but she zooms and prances and jumps quite a lot. I worry about how aggressively she plays with our other dog Cari, but Cari just joins in and attacks back.

Enjoy the beginning of our next month, June!


Patty said...

Good morning -- I woke up really early and couldn't get back to sleep so got up and have been crocheting for about an hour. Making good progress.

Happy anniversary and happy birthday to your husband. Two members of my family have husband's birthday and their wedding anniversary on the same date -- easy to remember!

It's been very warm but not super hot yet -- only turned the a/c one day for a bit. I do what needs doing in the mornings, then lots of crocheting. My son said he'd be worried if he came over and I didn't have a hook in my hand. My granddaughter has started crocheting -- her first project was to be a blanket but she downsized to a neck scarf for her German shepherd. Much more manageable!! I really doubt she'll do much more -- just a passing fancy with her. I've been making at least one baby blanket a week for at least 40 years -- that's a lot of yarn. My biggest project was a king-sized afghan for our parish priest -- I'm glad I did it because he was transferred soon after and he said having it reminded him of the great friendship he had with our family.

My granddaughter's dog is the one that ate a sock a couple months ago -- he just had a big cyst on his neck that had to be drained. He seems to have lots of problems. He is absolutely the laziest dog I've ever seen -- just sort of flops from one place to another. She adores him.

Hope your writing goes well. I sent "Once a Cavalier" to my daughter after I read it -- she's enjoying it. She just completed her 39th year as a 4th grade teacher -- she's going to a new school in the fall and the 3rd graders at her current school cried that they won't get her as a teacher -- she is wonderful.

Enjoy your day.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Patty! How fun that your granddaughter has started crocheting too. And your crocheting sounds wonderful!

Hope your granddaughter's dog is okay. Lazy dogs can be fun dogs.

Glad your daughter is enjoying "Once A Cavalier." She sounds like a great teacher!

Enjoy your day too.

Betty Hechtman said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you and Happy Birthday to him!

touch up xs said...

You are best writer in this world touch up xs