Wednesday, June 21, 2023


            I’m a writer, and I’m also a reader--a somewhat old-fashioned one. I mostly read print books.

But I also enjoy ebooks and audio sometimes. And I’m really happy that some of my own older books that haven’t been already are now becoming available in both formats--including my Kendra Ballantyne, Pet-Sitter Mysteries, and my Pet Rescue Mysteries. And some newer ones too, like my Alaska Untamed mysteries, will have audio as well as print and e-versions.

Right now, I’m enjoying the sounds of occasional barks of my dogs as other dogs walk by my house leashed to their owners. I’ve left the front door open so my pups can go onto the front porch behind the locked metal gate and watch the world from there, and they enjoy it!

Which inspires me to write even more in the Shelter of Secrets book I’m working on that unsurprisingly has dogs in it!


Patty said...

Good morning -- A lovely cool morning, at the moment -- 106 is predicted for the day!!

My little dog loved to sit on the back of the sofa, which backed up to the front door, and watch the world go by. Whenever we'd get ready to go out and I had her leash in hand, she'd jumped up there, waiting for it to be attached to her collar.

I always read print books -- have never even looked at an online book or listed to an audio. When I was about 10 years old I read to my grandmother most every day -- I remember seeing the word "curlicue" for the first time and wondering how to pronounce it.

My son and grandson came for lunch yesterday -- got Taco Bell for grandson, fixed fried chicken livers for son and me. Grandson tried a bite of liver -- he said it was okay but he didn't like the texture. At least he tried.

I've already watered the patio plants, a couple household chores to do, then a lot of crocheting.

Enjoy your day, your dogs and your writing.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Wow, Patty, stay cool! It's supposed to get no warmer than the mid-70s here today.

Sounds like your dog loved the world and attention and walks!

How fun that you read books to your grandmother. And yes, "curlicue" could be a bit challenging seen for the first time.

Your family lunch sounds fun.

Hope you have a good day!