Wednesday, June 28, 2023

In Addition To Novels

           If you’re a Facebook friend of mine, or a member of the Dog Writers Association of America, or both, you’ll know how excited I am that I had a short article published in the current issue of RUFF DRAFTS, the DWAA publication. This issue focused on humor and, yes, dogs, and my story was called "A Toss, or Several, Away from Concentration." It was inspired by Roxie, my just over a year old puppy, and it was about how hard it is for me to write at times when she wants to play. She brings a squeak toy over, drops it on the floor near me, and stares till I throw it. Then she does it again. And again.

I mentioned on FB how happy I was that my story was accepted by the DWAA, and got lots of likes and comments. People who aren’t members probably can’t read it, but I’m still thrilled.

And my mentioning it on FB resulted in my being asked to write an article for an upcoming issue of MYSTERY WRITERS JOURNAL that will feature stories about animals. I’ve been working on that article, too.

And yes, I’m still working on my next Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense.

Good thing is that, as I write this post, Roxie isn’t wanting to play… for the moment.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Congratulations on your articles -- amazing how a dog's stare can be so intimidating!! They are not to be ignored.

I just read "Undercover Cowboy Defender" -- enjoyed it.

My son, grandson and I went to lunch yesterday at a restaurant that we'd been to before and enjoyed. The chef must have been on vacation or having a really bad day because my food was awful. My sweet grandson handed me a piece of his quesadilla so I wouldn't go hungry. I'd ordered a portobello mushroom burger -- the mushroom was about as thick as a manila folder and charred black -- the bun was so tough I could barely cut through it with a knife. My son must have really weird taste because he ate what he had ordered and took my burger home and said he enjoyed it for supper!! I told my grandson "Taco Bell next time."

It's getting to be a typical Phoenix summer -- 110 yesterday and higher is predicted. There was a fire on the outskirts of the city and numerous homes were evacuated. This is the monsoon season -- June 15 through September 30 -- when we usually get a lot of rain but not a drop so far. Other than three potted boxwoods, all my patio plants are succulents and thrive on the heat. I thrive by staying in with the a/c on -- hopefully there will be no power outages.

Enjoy your day, your dogs and your writing.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Good morning, Patty,
Roxie's stare is far from intimidating. It's determined--and she's staring at me right now and talking. No toy, though. I have to figure out what's on her mind--a visit outside, probably, to visit our handyman who's here working.

Delighted you enjoyed "Undercover Cowboy Defender"!

And sorry about your terrible meal.

Stay as cool as possible. It's starting to warm up in the afternoons here in L.A. but still isn't deeply summer-like.

Have a good day!

Sally Morrison said...

I have a better understanding now of how hard it is to work on a computer with a pet. My new kitten thinks it's great fun to jump on or over the keyboard as I'm typing. Thankfully, she is responding to the word 'no'. At least some of the time. She is a fun pet though and I'm thankful now that rainy season is here, I don't have to walk her. She loves hanging out on the enclosed lanai. Thus far, she has not caught any lizards. :)

Betty Hechtman said...

Congrats on the article. Writing with pets is a challenge. One of our cats thinks my computer chair is hers and doesn't want to move when I want to work.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Your kitten sounds adorable, Sally, and worth the distractions! Good thing she hasn't caught any lizards.

Linda O. Johnston said...

That's another thing Roxie does, Betty. As soon as I stand up from my desk chair, she hops up there and waits for me to come back. We keep the seat warm for each other.