Wednesday, June 14, 2023

What's New?

            What’s new with me? Not much of anything.

Oh, I could have been in Ohio right now visiting with other family members who are meeting there, but didn’t go for a number of reasons, though I now regret it a bit.

I also could have gone in person to an Orange County Romance Writers meeting last weekend, which was in Brea, about an hour’s drive from my home. In fact, I used to commute there for a while when I was practicing law. But I decided just to attend via Zoom, and that worked out fine. No Zoom back in the day when I was a practicing lawyer!

More meetings coming up, some online. But one I’m looking forward to is the Romance Writers of America National Conference in July. Yes, it’s a national organization and the conferences have been held a lot of places. This year, though, it’s in Anaheim--about the same distance from my home as Brea.

My writing now? I’m still working on my next Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, and making progress--at least when I’m not busy playing with my pups, which remains constant and fun!

In fact, Roxie is stirring now. Looks like it might be time for me to throw a toy so she can play fetch.


Patty said...

Good morning -- The first sentence of your post applies to me, too -- not much is new!! Still lots of crocheting and just puttering around my little condo. It's warming up here so I check patio plants each morning to see which need a bit of TLC -- so far, so good,

My grandson isn't a happy camper at the moment -- he was messing around in his room, accidentally knocked his laptop off his desk and the screen shattered. It wasn't deliberate but he was doing things he shouldn't have been so the computer isn't going to be replaced right away.

I finished a pretty pink crocheted blanket yesterday -- bands of several shades of pink. I have a dozen or so patterns I enjoy using -- use different color combinations so they all look different.

Got a notice from the condo association that palm tree trimming will begin today -- that's always a noisy, messy deal. I like to watch the trimmers climb the trees -- amazing how fast they get to the top of the tall trees. Looks scary to me.

My daughter is taking her dog to have his teeth cleaned today -- she's a bit nervous about it because he's a senior dog and will be anesthetized but the vet says he's in good health so should be no problem. It certainly will be good for him -- he has horrible breath!!

Enjoy your day, your writing and yours dogs.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Sorry to hear about your grandson's computer, Patty. And I can understand the nervousness about a senior dog going under anesthetic, but hopefully all will be well. Having cleaner teeth should certainly help!

Enjoy your crocheting and tree trimming!

Patty said...

Hi -- Just heard from my daughter -- Scooty is fine after his dental cleaning. Also had to have a few extractions. Apparently chihuahuas are known to have dental problems and his previous owner did not address them. Dana says he's woozy, his tongue is lolling out but no serious problems.

Linda O. Johnston said...

So glad your pup is okay! Extractions happen a lot, and hopefully he'll sleep off the anesthetic soon.

chkntza said...

Patty I love all your crochet adventures. You are having so much fun. I wonder if you would be willing to share the patterns you write about. Thank you : )

Patty said...

To chkntza: Sure, I'd be happy to share. Post your address here and I'll mail you several of my favorites.

chkntza said...

Thank you so much. That is so nice of you. Is it safe for me to post my address here?

Patty said...

I would think it would be safe -- you probably get lots of junk mail so your address is out there for lots to see.

chkntza said...

Thanks, Patty.
My email address is

And, yes, I get tons of junk mail : )

Patty said...

Sorry, I can't email patterns -- don't have capability to scan them into email.. I need a mailing address -- should have made that clear. I have them all typed and in an envelope, just waiting for an address.