Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Second Week in August

          I described my fourth Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense last week and mentioned I’d finished the first draft. Since then, I’ve gotten comments from my beta reader, so resulting edits are what I’m working on now. Plus, I’ve been pondering and plotting my next HRS.

Otherwise, there’s not much different going on. I’m still doing some preparation for Bouchercon but that’s still a few weeks away.

And I’ve been playing a lot with my pups--nothing unusual about that. It’s not game-time right now, while I’m writing this, but I’m sure it will be again soon! Or time to give them more ice, as I mentioned in my comment on Betty’s most recent post.

Enjoy your week, everyone!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Hope all is well with you -- fine here. Still hot but it has moderated a bit. I just got the niftiest little gadget -- a moisture meter that shows soil moisture in my potted plants -- works great and sure beats sticking my finger in the dirt!!

I rarely use ice so just have a couple ice cube trays -- they are actually in the cupboard rather than the freezer right now. When I bought my condo five years ago, there was a refrigerator with an ice and water dispenser in the door. I do not like the looks of that at all -- prefer a flat panel -- so the seller was nice enough to switch it to my preference. A friend of mine had the water dispenser in the door of her fridge leak overnight -- she got up to a flooded kitchen -- yuck!

My son has a friend who's expecting a baby girl so I'm working on a pink and white blanket. I'm so lucky that, at my age, I have absolutely no arthritis in my hands -- I'd hate to be unable to crochet. Got a text yesterday from a 76-year-old cousin in San Jose -- she fell off her porch, breaking her hip -- ouch. I'm super careful -- my son does things for me that require climbing or heavy lifting.

Enjoy your day, your writing and your pups.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Good morning. All's fine with me.

I really like ice for chilling water as well as feeding to the dogs.

How great that you have no arthritis in your hands and that you're working on a pink and white blanket for an upcoming baby! And sorry to hear about your cousin. Always being careful will hopefully help.

Enjoy your day as well!