Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Writing Continues


I finished the first draft of my fourth Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, tentatively called Sheltered from Publication, and I’m working on polishing it now. It’s about a freelance journalist who writes stories about animals and shelters and wildlife for various publications--and she starts getting emailed threats. Unable to figure out their ongoing source, she winds up trying to get accepted as a resident at the Chance Animal Shelter for her protection --and finds out that the man she once love, a cop currently on leave, now lives in the area. Oh, yeah, a fun romantic suspense story!

Meanwhile, I’ve also been communicating a lot with others about Bouchercon, the mystery conference coming up at the end of this month--yes, it’s now August!--in San Diego. As I mentioned before,  I had fun at the Romance Writers of America National Conference, and now I’m looking forward to Bouchercon too.

And by the way, Betty Hechtman talked about coffee in her most recent blog post. I drink a lot of coffee while I’m writing. Nothing extremely special, but caffeine and I get along well.

Hope everyone reading this is dealing well with whatever the weather is in your area. It’s definitely warm in L.A. right now and somewhat humid--clouds, and not clear skies. I think the moon is full tonight--and hope we can see it!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Your new book sounds good -- dogs, mystery and romance -- good combination.

It's still very warm here but the temp has gone down several degrees -- it's more like a normal Phoenix summer, which is always hot. I have a friend in Wisconsin who says she can't imagine living in this heat -- I can't imagine living in the cold and snow she endures. And as my son says, you don't have to shovel sunshine.

I continue to do a lot of crocheting -- my goal is one blanket a week. I've also put some new potted plants near the breezeway entrance I share with a neighbor -- I love my greenery!! It always amazes me how much potting soil it takes -- bags and bags of the stuff.

Enjoy your day -- a few household chores, plant watering and maybe a movie this afternoon for me. And, of course, crocheting.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Patty. I'm enjoying writing the new book.

Glad the temperature is at least a little better. Not sure I'd prefer that much heat to snow. I'm fine with living in Southern California.

Enjoy your crocheting and plants and the rest of your day! And I'll remain busy editing.

Betty Hechtman said...

The plot of the book you are working on sounds intriguing. I'll be interested in hearing about Bouchercon. I only went once years ago.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty! I did attend Bouchercon in Minneapolis last year and enjoyed it, so hopefully this one will be fun too.

Sally Morrison said...

Your new book sounds like a winner. Keep us posted on when it is published. I'd love to read it. Do you drink iced coffee in the summer?