Wednesday, September 20, 2023

And Back to Writing Again!


I didn’t mention it last week, but I was visiting family in San Antonio last Wednesday when my blog was posted. They took us on a fun tour including the Alamo, a tour on a river boat, and another tour on a bus, as well as a visit to a charming-looking Texan town called Bandera.

We had lunch at a restaurant along the river, and I got to see some ducks and pigeons—and even feed them a few chips, as the restaurant workers do with leftovers. A good thing to do? Maybe not, but they seemed happy.

I didn’t get to write during those few days of going, coming and being there, but once again I’m back to writing. And as always, my mind was working while visiting, and I came home with an idea for another mystery series. Will anything come of it? Who knows, but I’ll at least have fun researching and potentially plotting it.

But now I’m back to working on my fifth Shelter of Secrets story for Harlequin Romantic Suspense.

And playing with Roxie and Cari, of course.

Sorry this is late!



Patty said...

Good morning -- What a fun trip -- hope the weather was pleasant -- it can be so humid there. San Antonio is a beautiful city -- we visited numerous times while living in Texas from 1982 until 2018. Bandera is a great little town, though when we were there the motels weren't the best -- we stayed in one that had paper-thin walls between the rooms -- we could hear the ticking of a clock from next door, among other things!! Wonder if Tootie's Pies is still in business in Bandera -- she did make some good ones.

I've seen Cavs on several commercials lately -- they are such sweet-looking dogs. Perfectly for snuggling with.

As always, I continue to do a lot of crocheting. My goal is one blanket a week -- so far, so good.

Enjoy your writing and hope your Texas trip inspires another great series. And, of course, enjoy the dogs.

Linda O. Johnston said...

The weather was good but hot, Patty, and yes, it was humid. Fun that you used to live in Texas! We didn't stay in Bandera so I don't know about the hotels. Don't recall seeing Tootie's Pies.

I've seen Cavaliers in some commercials too--and always have to rerun them if they're on a recorded show! And yes, they're perfect for snuggling though I don't always appreciate Roxie's licks.

Have fun with your crocheting! And yes, I'll keep on plotting--and enjoying my dogs.

Betty Hechtman said...

San Antonio sounds like fun. Traveling is great for stoking ideas for writing.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Absolutely, Betty! My Alaska Untamed mystery series was also stoked by a trip--an Alaskan cruise. And yes, San Antonio was fun.