Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Another Week Gone By

           I’m currently working more on my fifth Shelter of Secrets book for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. I turned in the synopsis for it this week, so I think I know where I’m going with it. As with all of them in that mini-series, it mostly takes place at the secluded Chance Animal Shelter where pets without homes are taken care of, and the caretakers appear to be homeless people brought in to help—but they’re actually people there under protective custody. As always, I’m having fun writing it.

And I’m still awaiting November when my sixtieth and sixty-first traditionally published novels will be published.

But all my time isn’t taken up with writing. For example, yesterday we had to take our older pup Cari to the vet for some shots and a checkup—and an examination into why she limps on and off and shrieks now and then. The vet had some ideas and put her on meds, but one factor has to be because our younger pup, Roxie, is very rough when she plays with her older sister!

We also go to movies sometimes on Tuesdays because we get a reduced admission price, so that occupied some of our time yesterday as well.

             Anyway, back to writing today!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Poor Cari -- hope she'll be better soon. And hope Roxi learns to play a bit more gently with her older sister!!

Did you see a good movie yesterday? I haven't seen anything I really enjoyed since "80 for Brady" and that was months ago.

We had dinner at my granddaughter's Sunday -- the first time I've spent much time with their dog, Bubba. He's a big German shepherd -- sweet as can be -- very quiet and gentle. I made a crocheted neckerchief for him -- looks so cute.

Enjoy your day, your writing and your pups.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Good morning, Patty.

Cari seems to be doing better today, or at least I hope so. And I've had to slow Roxie down around her as usual, but they're hanging out together.

We saw the movie Dumb Money, mostly for my husband since he's really into the stock market. Not my favorite. I enjoyed "80 for Brady" too.

How nice that you crocheted a neckerchief for Bubba. Hugs to him and you!

You enjoy your day too.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, the weeks really fly by, don't they. Glad Cari is okay. It's always hard taking pets to the vet.

Linda O. Johnston said...

They definitely do, Betty. And thanks! Fortunately we didn't think that whatever was wrong with Cari was too bad, and now that she's on meds she seems to be even better.