Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Preparing for Publication


As I previously mentioned, next month I’m having two books published: my sixtieth and sixty-first traditionally published novels! And I’ve started to prepare for their publication and letting the world know about them.

Again as I’ve mentioned before, one of them is CRY WOLF, the second Alaska Untamed Mystery that I’m writing for Crooked Lane Books under my first pseudonym, Lark O. Jensen. I’m going to let the world know about it in a variety of ways, including additional blogs and a chat at Writerspace. And though I said I wasn’t going to do a blog tour like Betty, she inspired me, so I’m working on doing one of those, too.

The other is CSI COLTON AND THE WITNESS, a Harlequin Romantic Suspense book in their vast series about the large Colton family. With it, and with CRY WOLF, I’m trying to get them mentioned in a variety of newsletters for writing organizations where I’m a member.

And dog related? Well, the local chapter of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club is having a local Fun Day next weekend, and we’re bringing one Halloween costume for our two pups so they can switch between them. I mentioned before that Cari’s seventh birthday was this month. It was yesterday, so yes, we celebrated! Roxie got to participate too, of course.


Patty said...

Good morning -- You will indeed be busy promoting your books -- hope all goes well and they are both best-sellers!!

The weather here is just about perfect -- pleasantly warm during the day and cool at night. So nice to be able to have the door open all day.

My son and I went to a favorite nursery yesterday and bought several plants for his patio. The backyard is mostly pool and lots of concrete so he has many potted plants -- he is replacing those that died during the excessive summer heat.

I, of course, continue to do a lot of crocheting. I've found a couple new patterns to try but I'll always have my favorites to do over and over again.

Have fun at the doggy Fun Day -- do Cari and Roxie enjoy being dressed up? I have a friend who dresses her chihuahua every day -- that dog has more clothes than I do!!

Enjoy your day --

Sally Morrison said...

The costumes for your dogs sound like so much fun! I hope you can post a picture. I doubt my cat would go for it.

Congratulations on all you publishing successes! I've always been curious. Why do some authors use a different name?

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks for your good wishes, Patty!

Our weather is hot again for at least a few days this week. Wish we had fall here.

We have a neighbor who grows lots of different kinds of plants and sells them, so we'll be going to her house this weekend to decide what to buy.

We have only tried the costume on the pups so far, so it'll be interesting to see how they enjoy having it on for longer times.

And enjoy your day too!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Wish I could post a picture, Sally, but I'm so untechie I'm not always able to do that.

And thanks for your congrats! As far as pseudonyms, I guess it depends on the author and their situation. In my case, my then-new publisher asked me to take a pseudonym for this series, although they said it was okay for me to let people know it was still me.

Betty Hechtman said...

Dogs in Halloween costumes! LOL. I think the blog tour might have made a difference for me, so it's good that you're doing it. I wondered about the pseudonym. I noticed it with some other writers I know too.

Anyway, you have put out an amazing number of books!

Linda O. Johnston said...

The pups looked cute as dinosaurs, Betty, but they didn't win the contest.