Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sorry I'm Late!

             I thought I had my post scheduled this week but still having typing issues with my wrist so I didn’t get it done. Sorry! Didn’t have a lot to say anyway. 

            But I did want to let everyone know that the Worldwide Mysteries paperback version of my first Alaska Untamed mystery, Bear Witness, is available starting this week. I haven’t found it available in any stores, just online, but please let me know if you see it in stores. Here’s the link in case you’re interested: 

The hardback version from Crooked Lane Books is still available too. Large difference in price, but I really love both covers! 

            Okay. Time to go play with my pups, which also remains a challenge with my braced wrist since Roxie always wants me to throw things. But it still works out fine!


Patty said...

Good morning -- Glad you're able to type a bit and throw things for Roxie.

I'll look for the Alaska Untamed mystery book -- good read.

I'm having an issue with an incredibly itchy rash that just popped up across my back, from the shoulders down to my knees. Went to a dermatologist and she gave me some goopy ointment, which has helped a lot, but it is still not good. Hopefully it will clear up soon.

I am able to continue crocheting, thank goodness. Saturday is drop-off day for Project Linus and I have quite a few blankets to take.

Enjoy the rest of your day --

Linda O. Johnston said...

So sorry to hear of your rash condition, Patty. I hope it gets better fast.

And I'm fairly certain that the current version of Bear Witness will only be available on the Worldwide Mysteries website, though I wish people could take a look at it in person!

Glad you're able to continue crocheting. Take good care of yourself, and enjoy your day too!

Betty Hechtman said...

What a bummer about your wrist. Would a brace help? I had heard that World Wide Mysteries were only sold online. Whenever I got to Walmart, I always check the book rack as they sell some Harlequin books and I have never seen a Worldwide Mystery.

I hope your wrist gets better fast. It's devastating for a writer not to be able to type.

Linda O. Johnston said...

I am wearing a brace, Betty, but it tends to get in the way. I think I'm healing fairly quickly and can manage to do a lot, sometimes more easily when the brace is off.
And I'll do what I can to continue to let people know to check online for my Worldwide Mysteries. I'm certainly glad they're there!