Wednesday, June 5, 2024

And This Week?

             This week, the first in this new month, I’ve been promoting and plotting. And researching and writing.

              Regarding promotion, I attended a Writerspace chat yesterday mostly to promote my current version of BEAR WITNESS, the first of my Alaska Untamed mysteries which is now available in paperback form from Harlequin’s Worldwide Mysteries. It’s not available in stores, but I’m excited about the book being both in paperback and in the Crooked Lane hardback version too.

Plotting? Yes, I’m still working on that idea for a new series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. I’ve submitted an initial blurb for the first one and where things could go from there, and I’ve also been working on the plot for that first book. 

Researching? Well, that idea will include both K-9s and assistance dogs, so it’s always enjoyable to research those kinds of canines—as well as any dogs!

 And writing? Less of that than usual since I’m still working more on ideas and where to go with them, but I’ve certainly got more writing on my agenda too. 

So… time to throw another ball or two for Roxie and let Cari chase them too—then get back to at least plotting!


Patty said...

Good morning -- You have indeed been busy, planning and plotting. Sounds like some good stuff will be coming soon.

How's your wrist -- better, I hope. At least good enough to throw a ball for the dogs!

Enjoy your day --

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks for asking about my wrist, Patty. Yes, it has definitely improved. But I never stopped throwing toys for the dogs.
And I always hope more good stuff will be coming!
Enjoy your day too.

Betty Hechtman said...

I always find doing research so interesting. Good luck on the new ideas

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks, Betty. I'm having fun with it too.

Sally Morrison said...

I'm impressed with your many ideas for different books. You are gifted. Glad you can take a few minutes to play with your pups too.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thank you so much, Sally. My mind always seems to be seeking the next idea--and the pups help me come up with more dog ideas!