Friday, August 16, 2024

Hang on to Summer


 It's funny how everything is already adjusting to fall.  I just remember that when my son was small that August was still considered summer and the last two weeks were considered prime vacation time.  It seems to me that I used to hear that everything in New York City practically shut down for those last two weeks.

Labor Day was the end of summer and then came the beginning of school.  The movie Picnic was all about Labor Day as a marker.   Rosaline Russell played a school teacher who doesn't want to face another school year and finds a way not to go back to her job when the weekend ends.

The world has changed.  Summer got shorter if you judge it by when school starts.  And it seems that even without gurus telling people to live in the moment, the focus is always on what's up next.

It made me feel hot just to look at the long sleeve shirts that are taking over from the summer wear at Costco. A giant creepy creature lets out a scary warning to passing kids as it stands next to the rack of costumes  I want to enjoy the slow go to sunset instead of thinking about falling leaves and a crisp chill in the morning even here in Southern California.

But it seems like I'm in the minority.  Facebook people are already  posting their anticipation for pumpkin lattees in front of a crackling fire, while they're still hanging out at the beach.


Patty Jenkins said...

Yes, summer ended with Labor Day -- the beginning of the school year and heaven forbid you wear white shoes after that day!! I liked it when the holidays had a definite time for each, instead of starting so early -- there will be Christmas decor soon.

I remember seeing the movie "Picnic" and thinking it was really ridiculous that even in a movie, we were supposed to believe people acted that way. The theme music is what I remember the most.

A day of crocheting for me -- just a few more rows to finish a big granny square blanket.

Enjoy your day --

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, I forgot about the white shoes. I remember getting white flats for the summer. It's the music from Picnic that I most remember. The movie was really full of stereotypes. Enjoy your crocheting!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Things do seem to change, Betty. For the better? I'm not sure.

Patty Jenkins said...

You haven't mentioned your floor re-do lately -- is it done or still a work in progress? Years ago, we were sitting at a table in a McDonald's -- there was a rumbling sound and the floor tiles started to buckle. We got out of the way just before a geyser of water shot into the air -- a water pipe under the floor had burst. I bet it got repaired quicker than your repair is going!!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, we'd all be bored if nothing ever changed. I'm glad that white shoe nonsense is over with.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, we are on hold with the floor damage. The insurance company is taking their time. In the meantime life goes on. The leak was fixed and we have hot water. and we all know just where the damage is and avoid it. That must have scary at McDonald's. It's lucky you moved fast.

Linda Morgan Osborn said...

Yes, summer is being pushed away. I worked in public schools and we got out around the end of June, and went back after Labor Day. I always had black patent dress shoes for winter and white for late spring and summer. School was usually saddle oxfords, or flats as I got older. It seems this year the evenings are dark earlier too. I miss the old ways !!

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, I forgot about black patent shoes. It's gotten crazy with the way schools start. The LA public schools have already started. The charter school Jakey goes to starts next week and some private schools start the week after that. The vacation days are different. Kids don't necessarily go to neighborhood schools. I feel for working parents trying to work out the logistics of it all.

chkntza said...

I heard that the reason for starting so early was so that the kids would be ready for the testing in spring. It's all about the testing. When I was volunteering after I retired I was astonished at how much teaching has turned into test preparation. It is so sad.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chknza, I guess they use the test scores to judge how the teachers are doing. It is sad. Also sad that Jakey's generation is supposedly not learning how to read. Luckily, Jakey doesn't have that problem. I am amazed at what he can read. No secrets anymore now that he can read texts.