Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Interview and Publication

             I’m delighted to say that I was interviewed by Reader’s House Magazine in the UK. Here’s the link:

             And though it’s not quite September yet, I was also delighted to see a copy of my new Harlequin Romantic Suspense book, CANINE PROTECTION, the fourth in my Shelter of Secrets, on the shelf at Bookstar, my local bookstore that’s part of Barnes & Noble. Yes, it’s marked as a September release.

             I’ve been making progress on the first book in my new Harlequin Romantic suspense series. The characters communicate with me a lot, including some dogs who are in the story!

             Speaking of dogs, yes, my dogs speak to me, especially the younger one, Roxie. She’s taught me to understand when she wants to play or go out or just get more attention.

             And I give additional though remote attention to the hummingbirds who visit the feeders hung on our back patio off the kitchen. One of them’s in charge and it’s enjoyable to watch him determine who can stay and how long before he runs them off.  Er, flies them off.


Patty said...

Good morning -- Congratulations on all your book stuff -- sounds great!!

Hummingbirds are very territorial -- there always seems to be one in charge who chases others away. I don't have any way to hang feeders on my small condo patio -- wish I did -- they are so much fun to watch and their droppings don't mess up my patio the way other birds do!!

My little poodle/chihuahua Janny very definitely communicated her wants. When she wanted a treat, she'd keep bumping against the cupboard door where they were stored until I got something for her. And if I was a bit late putting food in her bowl, she'd shove it around the kitchen floor and give a big sigh like "Finally!" when I filled the bowl. She was a sweetie.

It's a bit cooler here -- 102 predicted for today. There was a good rain early Sunday so that's helped.

Enjoy your day, your books and your dogs.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your interview. How exciting to be recognized for your work. Time is flying and soon we'll be into a new year. Hard to believe it goes so fast. Hope you have a great week.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Wow, cooler at 102, Patty? That doesn't sound fun.

I hadn't realized how territorial hummingbirds were before, but it's definitely fun to watch them eat--and chase each other off!

Your pup sounds adorable. I gather she's not with you now. If so, that's hard.

Enjoy your day and more, too!

Linda O. Johnston said...

Thanks so much, Anonymous! Oh, yes, time is definitely flying. This year is going much too fast. Hope you have a great week too.

Patty said...

No, my sweet little Janny died when she was 16 years old. She was the sweetest dog ever -- 4 1/2 pounds of love. I'd say "give me love" and she'd put her paws around my arm and lean her head into me.

102 is cooler than the 114 it had been!! I just stay in with the a/c on -- getting a lot of crocheting done,

Linda O. Johnston said...

So very sorry, Patty. At least she lived a long life in dog-years. She sounds so sweet!

Oh, yes, 102 is better than 114. Glad you're keeping cool inside and getting some crocheting done.

Betty Hechtman said...

Nice interview! It's great that Bookstar has your latest book. Good luck on your new series.

chkntza said...

That is a great article about you! I enjoyed learning more about you and your books.