Friday, August 23, 2024


 I'm writing this as  I wait for the plumber.  Yes, another problem.  We recently replaced our dryer.  I really got it for the rest of the family as I barely use it.  Because of my barely using it, I'm not sure when the problem cropped up.  They use the dryer, but don't pay any attention to how it's working.  So when some laundry that was supposed to be dry was left in the dryer, I was the one who noticed that it was not only still damp, but now moldy.  

I took over rewashing it and drying it and that's when I noticed that despite the dryer running and feeling warm, something was wrong and causing the laundry not to dry.  I went outside to check to the vent while the dryer was on and there was no air coming out.  The hose of the vent goes roughly in the air where we had the hot water leak and there may be a connection.

Hopefully, the plumber will be able to fix it.

While I've been waiting I've been going through the first pass pages of Death Among the Stitches. It is the perfect thing to work on, knowing I could be interrupted at any moment.    This is my last look at the manuscript as I look for typos and word changes, but nothing major.  It's too late for anything beyond tiny changes and of course, there are places where I would like to rewrite much more.

I suppose no matter how many times I've gone through a manuscript, I will still feel the same.  It's always hard to say the final good bye to a book.  Then it's out of my hands and out in the world  up to readers to judge.

I finished the first draft of the next Molly book before  started proof reading.  It is going to need a lot of work. A lot of the ending is written more in terms of descriptions of what happens, rather than action and dialogue.  But having a framework like the makes it easier to  fill in.  When  got to the very, very end, I found myself writing out all the details. and that place where I don't want it to end, but am setting it up so it seems the characters continue on after the book ends.

I am anxious to get back to working on it.  It always feels a little overwhelming at first because things happen during writing the first draft.  So now I have to arrange it so it all makes sense.  Like who knows what when.  I keep envisioning trying to untangle a bowl of spaghetti noodles.  There is background information I have to look up again.  And then hope that it makes sense.

It's already almost two hours after the plumber said he would come.  He's usually very good about time, so I hope nothing is wrong.  At least I have put the waiting time to good use.  The sooner I finish the first pass pages, the sooner I can get back to the next crochet mystery.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- Sounds like you are very busy with your writing, rewriting, proofreading -- amazing you can keep storylines straight!! I eagerly await your next book. Will there be more Writer for Hire books -- I enjoyed the ones I read.

When I moved into a duplex after my first husband died, I was having problems with the dryer not working. I thought maybe the filter hose was clogged so a friend blew it out -- water poured out of the outside end. The hose had been installed with the end lower than ground level and water from the sprinklers filled it up. A plumber was able to raise the end as it should be -- problem solved.

I heard from the Project Linus coordinator that she is leaving that position and so far, no one will be taking over so donations to them are at a standstill. I contacted the Ronald McDonald House and they will be happy to accept blankets brought directly to them so that is what I will be doing. They are considerably closer to where I live so it will be easy to do.

Enjoy your day -- hope the plumber arrives soon and the problem is an easy fix.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, still waiting for plumber. He had trouble with his truck. He thinks the problem may be connected to the hot water leak. I hope the solution is as simple as yours.

I don't have any plans for more Writer for Hire books for now. The new series is with the same publisher.

It's great that you found a new place to send your creations. I am sure they will be cherished by the kids that get them.

The most difficult part of rewriting is making sure of the order of things. I can't have someone commenting on something that they don't know about.

I hope your weather has cooled off.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Life goes on around us even when we're writing, Betty. Hope your plumber shows up soon and gets things fixed--and that you can continue writing without worrying about it too much.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, the plumber did finally come. The problem was the dryer vent hose had gotten separated in two places. All fixed, though I haven't actually used it yet. I did get a lot of the first pass pages done while I was waiting. There is always something going on here.

chkntza said...

I'm glad the dryer got fixed. A writer's job is amazing to me. I love hearing how authors get the job done. I know there are a lot of pancers and planners out there.

Betty Hechtman said...

Chkntza, I am a mixture of cancer and planner. I like to have a plan worked out, but things always change in the writing-- that's what makes it fun.