Friday, September 27, 2024

Good Bye September

 It's good bye September.  I was hoping to turn in MURDER BY THE HOOK by the 30th, but it is not going to happen.  I am well on the way with the rewrite but need to finish it and then go over it again.

I realized that a lot has changed since the first of the Crochet books came out.  In those days, I had a lot more quiet and control of my life.

Now, I work with people here all the time and a cat under my desk who appears suddenly and startles me.  Jakey is stealth when he comes in to tell me he's hungry to ask me to unlock an electronic device.  He probably thinks its funny to see me jump in surprise at his arrival next to me.

Everyone else interrupts when they need me to find something that they lost.  I am very good at that.  

There are also always the offers of going somewhere and doing something that is hard to turn down.  Even just a ride to take Jakey to his mom's.  I love how the scenery changes from business and houses to the hills just before the Santa Susanna mountains.  It's all wild with pale boulders.  with a few ranches sprinkled in.  Sometimes we take the 118 east and I get the fabulous view of the whole San Fernando Valley.  I can see the Santa Monica mountains and remember how I have seen the opposite view.  Standing on  dirt Mulholland watching tiny trucks on the 118 about to head through the pass to Simi Valley.

It makes it a little harder, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- September did fly by -- a few days ago, I was thinking it is only three months until Christmas.

Our taste of cooler weather didn't last long -- today is predicted to be 113!! I lost a few plants to the heat during the summer and was getting ready to replace them but I think I'll wait a bit longer.

Having someone around all the time, always needing something, can be aggravating but the good far outweighs the bad. I'm always ready for "Grandma, let's go do such-and-such."

I took seven blankets to the Ronald McDonald House yesterday -- the building is on a cul-de-sac in a very pretty area -- lots of shade trees and vines. They are always so welcoming.

A friend in Georgia called this morning -- she said flood water didn't get in her house but it came very close. A big tree fell across her driveway and has her garage door blocked. She said the wind was horrific. Phoenix is very, very hot in the summers but, other than that, there are no real weather problems -- not a bad place to live.

Enjoy your day and whatever it brings.

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, 113 sounds hot. I agree that the good is way better than the bed. I'm glad I can find their stuff, give Jakey food he likes and the rest of it. I bet the recipients love your creations. The hurricane sounds terrifying and then when it's gone by, there is all the damage left behind.
Enjoy your weekend.

DianeW said...

Goodbye, September! As we get deeper into fall, it gets dark earlier and earlier. That’s the part I like the least. But I’ve always found fall and winter to be excellent crochet weather!

Linda Osborn said...

I put a sweet picture on my Facebook the other day. An older lady sitting by her fireplace with her cat. She says the hardest part of the day is evening, when you have things to talk about but no one is there. I have to agree, my cats are really sitting looking at me because they want food.
Mornings are darker, evenings come earlier, it's hard.
I would love to have some grandchildren around too--Mine would yell GRANDMA. then the parrot would yell GRANDMA, and the dog would bark. i misss all that !!

Betty Hechtman said...

Diane, the shorter days are always hard. You are right fall and winter are good times for crochet.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda Osborn, it is hard in the evening. I used to call my mother every day (She was in Chicago) and when she was gone I had a friend I talked to all the time. She's gone now too. My family is more about talking with me as the listener. I can imagine to miss your grandchildren, the parrot and the dog. When it's quiet here for a day or so, I'm glad to get back the commotion. Even the arguments.

Betty Hechtman said...

Diane, are you the Diane who asked a question on GoodReads? I tried to unsuccessfully to answer it. Yes, there will be more Molly books.