Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Staying Busy

          Yesterday, I participated in an online panel with a few other Harlequin Romantic Suspense authors, put together by Writerspace. It was enjoyable to talk about our writing, including for HRS and other things, and learning more about each other’s ideas and thoughts while writing.

            I’m also in the process of getting the rest of my Harlequin Nocturnes republished as ebooks, both the books and the novellas. I re-read a couple of the novellas last week. It had been a while since I’d read them, so it was fun to read stories about my covert military unit of shapeshifters and the romances they get into!

            I’m still editing that first story in my new miniseries for HRS after getting the critiques I mentioned last week.

            And I’ve been dealing with some computer issues plus a water outage in my neighborhood. Ugh.

            At least my pups don’t seem to mind. But I of course make sure they get their water and meals as always, so they don’t know of any issues.

1 comment:

Betty Hechtman said...

It's great that your books are getting a new life as e-books. It's so nice how you can have e-books on your phone and have them with you all the time. The water outage must have been difficult and worrisome if it was during the winds. Computer issues are the worst. I hope you got them settled.