Friday, January 17, 2025

The Crochet Cure


The last week feels so much longer than seven days. It was a roller coaster ride between feeling safe, threatened, safe, threatened over and over.  Everything is still packed up, though it does seem the threat is really over this time.

There is something terribly unsettling about hearing TV reporters talking about Tarzana being in the danger area and then seeing a field reporter showing fire fight up on Dirt Mulholland.  I knew just where they were as we walk up there.  I used the area in one of the Crochet books.

The threat was that if the fire crossed dirt Mulholland, it would come down through the populated area in the hills of Tarzana.  It was hard to stay calm when we could see the smoke plume and the wind was whipping through the trees at the back of our yard.

 Still, it wasn't that bad for us.  Nothing like losing your home and history.

Meanwhile life has to go on.  I have been invited to do an author takeover Thursday, January 23, for a Facebook cozy group Cozy Mystery Lovers/Meg's Cozy Corner.  I had to learn what an author takeover was first.  Basically, it seems like putting up posts on the given day from 11 to 3 eastern time and responding to comments.  There can be pictures, contests and games.  Since I am sort of in between finishing up with  MURDER BY THE HOOK when I get the manuscript back and starting work on a new book, I will be able to devote the time to creating the posts.

I write a lot about yarn craft being relaxing, but it is really true.  I worked on the above crochet project all of last week and as soon as I picked it up and did a few stitches, I could feel my whole self even out.  Aside from the relaxing effect, it is a way to channel all that tension into something concrete and useful.


Patty Jenkins said...

Good morning -- I'm so glad to hear you are alright and hopefully, the fires are under control. What a scary thing to go through.

Your afghan is bright and cheerful -- just what you need!! I finished a granny rectangle -- speckle yarn with bands of royal blue and gold. Also made a granny square in the same yarns.

My son has raccoons in his yard again -- Ring camera showed three in the middle of the night, and the darn things ate 20 of the 22 fish in his pond. Some were fish he'd had for years -- big goldfish and koi. Raccoons are so destructive and hard to control. There was also a fox sitting on his car in the driveway!! Amazing how much wildlife roams around a big city.

Keep safe and keep crocheting!!

Betty Hechtman said...

Patty, we have lived here since the 70s and this is the first time a fire came this close. It is a relief that the danger seems over. No wind today and after ten days of having humidity less than 20 percent, there are clouds in the sky and moisture in the air.

I am sure you understand how soothing it has been to work on that afghan. Your's sound beautiful.

That is too bad about the racoons getting your son's fish. Racoons are definitely hard to control.

Happy crocheting to you!

Sally Morrison said...

I'm glad you're safe. I imagine the air smells smoky which would be a bit disconcerting given all that has happened. I pray that it is all calming down. Though I keep wondering where will everyone who lost their home go? What will be done with all the rubble? Will there be enough people to do the actual work of rebuilding? So many questions and concerns. Hope life returns to normal for you soon.

Linda O. Johnston said...

Glad you weren't affected by the fires, Betty, despite the scares. And your author takeover sounds like fun!

Betty Hechtman said...

Sally, it is very weird but the wind kept the smoke and ash away from here. There hasn't even been the smell of anything burning. There are a lot of questions and concerns with what's going to happen to people who lost their homes. Hopefully, the people in charge of that have some idea. The burned areas are a disaster, but when I picked up Jakey from school today, most things seemed normal.

Betty Hechtman said...

Linda, the author takeover should be interesting.